(Askeri) YAN NİŞANCI KONTROLU: Özellikle hava savunma atışlarında, her topun kendi yan nişancısı tarafından yapılan atış kontrolu. Yan nişancısı, gerekli önlemeyi temin ve hedefi izli mermilerle veya açık nişangahlarla takip eder
(n ) a data object that has the POINTER attribute It may not be referenced or defined unless it is pointer associated with a target If it is an array, it does not have a shape unless it is pointer associated
Usually Arrow-shaped, this is the marker that is moved around the screen by the mouse Pressing the mouse button will select or activate whatever is beneath the pointer
The little icon that moves on the screen when you move the mouse Its most common shapes are the arrow and the I-beam
A statement within a data product label or catalog object that identifies or references a starting point within the same file or an external file Pointers are used to identify the start of a data object, the location of additional text for insertion, or the location of descriptive information for further reference
The pointer is the pointing device currently attached to the cursor and tracked on the screens
An object on the screen that tracks the position of a pointing device (e g a mouse, tablet, track-ball, or joystick) Photon has several pointers indicating various states: Basic, Busy, Help, Move, Resize, I-beam, No-input
(computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving the cursor allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
A physical device used for pointing, such as a mouse, or the cursor that shows the position of the mouse on the screen
A pointer is a long stick that is used to point at something such as a large chart or diagram when explaining something to people. She tapped on the world map with her pointer
a strong slender smooth-haired dog of Spanish origin having a white coat with brown or black patches; scents out and points game an indicator as on a dial
A pointer to something suggests that it exists or gives an idea of what it is like. Sunday's elections should be a pointer to the public mood
A small graphic that moves around the screen as the user manipulates the mouse (or another pointing device) Depending on its location and the active application, the pointer can assume various shapes, such as an arrowhead, crosshair, or clock By moving the pointer and pressing mouse buttons, a user can select objects, set the insertion point, and activate windows Sometimes called the "cursor " See also insertion point
An address in the address space (or memory) The term pointer generally refers to the first byte of a procedure or data structure or a specific byte location in a stack
A pointer is a piece of advice or information which helps you to understand a situation or to find a way of making progress. I hope at least my daughter was able to offer you some useful pointers
The onscreen representation of the mouse’s location The pointer commonly looks like an arrow, but can also assume such shapes as a pencil, a cross, or a paintbrush, depending on the application and the user’s selection
A field within a record or within an index that contains the address of a record
Reference values that are addresses of objects in memory Defined with the "dereferencing" operator "*", initialized with an lvalue of a data object with the "address-of" operator "&": If v is declared a variable then &v is v's memory address If p is declared a pointer, then *p is the value of the variable that p points to
a strong slender smooth-haired dog of Spanish origin having a white coat with brown or black patches; scents out and points game
Is one of the following: A Fortran 95/90 pointer A data object that has the POINTER attribute To be referenced or defined, it must be "pointer-associated" with a target (have storage space associated with it) If the pointer is an array, it must be pointer-associated to have a shape See also pointer association A Compaq Fortran pointer A data object that contains the address of its paired variable This is also called an integer pointer or a Cray® pointer
The pointer on a measuring instrument is the long, thin piece of metal that points to the numbers. = needle. Dog breed, of hound, spaniel, and setter ancestry, first recorded 1650 in Great Britain and named for the dog's rigid posture in the direction of quarry. Pointers were originally used to point out hares and were later trained as bird dogs. The pointer stands 23-28 in. (58-71 cm) tall and weighs 50-75 lb (23-34 kg); it has a long muzzle, hanging ears, tapered tail, and a short, smooth coat, usually white with dark markings. The German short-haired pointer, another sporting breed, tracks, points, and retrieves; it is about the size of a pointer and has a short coat of solid liver colour or liver and gray-white
This refers to the arrow that you can move on the screen Move the mouse around on the mouse pad and you will see that an arrow pointer moves on the screen The directions tell you to move the pointer to different places on the screen to make choices In Practice and Diagnosis you can change the pointer to a number See how to do this in "Guide Student's Solution" in Setting Preferences
a variable that contains a memory address Usually this address is the location of another variable in memory Pointer variables much be declared as such, and the variable type must match the type of the variable being ``pointed'' to
The name of the arrow (or other shape) that tracks across the screen as you move the mouse (or other pointing device) around
(1) A data item that consists of the address of a desired item (2) A symbol that moves around a computer screen under the control of the user
The two stars (Merak and Dubhe) in the Great Bear, the line between which points nearly in the direction of the north star
The symbol used in GUI environments to represent mouse movements and select files or execute commands Usually in the form of an diagonal arrowhead
A dangling pointer is a surviving reference to an object that no longer exists at that address In manual memory management, dangling pointers typically arise from one of: A premature free, where an object is freed, but a reference is retained; Retaining a reference to a stack-allocated object, after the relevant stack frame has been popped Dangling pointers can occur under automatic memory management, because of a garbage collection bug -- such as premature collection, or moving without updating all references -- but this is much rarer because GC code is usually a single common core of reused code
a small piece of equipment that produces a laser beam, used by teachers and people who are giving talks in order to point at things on a map, board etc
An icon, typically an arrow, that appears on your screen and is controlled by the movement of the mouse You use the mouse pointer to work with menus, icons, links, and other screen objects For more detail, click here
The mouse pointer takes on different shapes depending on the software program you are using and where you position the pointer on the computer screen Some of the shapes are
A mouse pointer is a screen element that corresponds to the spot where you are rolling the mouse The mouse pointer can change depending on the current action
An indicator on the screen which responds to the movement of the mouse In Word98, the mouse pointer is represented by a bar with split ends within a document and by an arrow outside the document
An on-screen mark which changes location as you move the mouse Depending on the location of the mouse pointer and the program used, the area of the screen where the pointer appears is where an action will take place when you click one of the mouse buttons
A small shape on the screen that follows the movement of the mouse On RCS, the mouse pointer may appear, for example, as an arrow, a cross, or an X, depending on its location on the workstation screen
The usually arrow-shaped cursor on the screen that you control by guiding the mouse on your desk You use the mouse pointer to select items, drag objects, choose commands, and start or exit programs The shape of the mouse pointer can change depending on the task being executed
The mouse pointer indicates a position on screen as the mouse is moved on the desk It may appear in various forms: a single arrow, double arrow, question-pointer, 4-directional pointer, hourglass, I-beam, hand pushing a button, and so on
or Mouse Cursor The pointer indicating where the mouse is "looking" on the monitor screen On the Desktop the pointer is an arrow unless the computer is working at some task, in which case it becomes an hour glass In many programs it becomes a blinking vertical or horizontal line On the World Wide Web (i e , in the Browser) it may be an arrow or a hand-if the latter it is pointing to a hyper-link
The high-level notion of data addresses implemented in C/C++ Pointers not only store the address of another data item but also know the type of that data item This allows data pointers to be dereferenced, incremented and compared without the need to always specify the size of the data objects to which the pointer refers