(Askeri) SIFIR NOKTASI: Bir nükleer silahın, patladığı andaki paralanma merkezi. Sıfır noktası paralanmanın cinsine göre;. havada, karada veya su üzerinde ve altında olabilir; bundan dolayı yer sıfır noktasından (surface zero) ayrı düşünülmesi gerekir
English - English
Definition of point zero in English English dictionary
The location of the center of a burst of a nuclear weapon at the instant of detonation. The zero point may be in the air, or on or beneath the surface of land or water, depending upon the type of burst, and it is thus to be distinguished from ground zero
Vibrational energy retained by molecules even at a temperature of absolute zero. Since temperature is a measure of the intensity of molecular motion, molecules would be expected to come to rest at absolute zero. However, if molecular motion were to cease altogether, the atoms would each have a precisely known location and velocity (zero), and the uncertainty principle states that this cannot occur, since precise values of both position and velocity of an object cannot be known simultaneously. Thus, even molecules at absolute zero must have some zero-point energy