pocket size

listen to the pronunciation of pocket size
English - Turkish
cep boyutunda
cep tipi
küçük boy
English - English
small enough to fit a pocket, small enough to be carried comfortably inside a person's pocket; small scale, limited in size (e.g.: "pocket size business")
small enough to be carried in a garment pocket; "pocket-size paperbacks
limited in size or scope; "a small business"; "a newspaper with a modest circulation"; "small-scale plans"; "a pocket-size country"
small enough to be carried in a garment pocket; "pocket-size paperbacks"
pocket size


    pock·et size

    Turkish pronunciation

    päkıt sayz


    /ˈpäkət ˈsīz/ /ˈpɑːkət ˈsaɪz/