plants which are well adapted to harsh winters

listen to the pronunciation of plants which are well adapted to harsh winters
English - German
Pflanzen, die an harte Winter gut angepasst sind
plants which are well adapted to harsh winters


    plants which are well adapted to harsh Win·ters

    Turkish pronunciation

    plänts hwîç ır wel ıdäptıd tı härş wîntırz


    /ˈplants ˈhwəʧ ər ˈwel əˈdaptəd tə ˈhärsʜ ˈwəntərz/ /ˈplænts ˈhwɪʧ ɜr ˈwɛl əˈdæptəd tə ˈhɑːrʃ ˈwɪntɜrz/