
listen to the pronunciation of plane
English - Turkish
{f} düzlemek
{i} düzlem

O, başka bir varlık düzleminde yaşıyor. - She lives on another plane of existence.

Biz farklı düzlemler üzerinde tartışıyorduk. - We were arguing on different planes to the last.


Uçak zamanında kalktı. - The plane took off on time.

Okinawa'ya uçakla gitmek kaç saat sürer? - How many hours does it take to go to Okinawa by plane?

{s} düz (yüzey)
{i} yüzey

Dünya'nın kriosferi (gezegenimizdeki donmuş su), şu anda dünya yüzeyinin yaklaşık % 10'unu kaplar. - The Earth's cryosphere (the frozen water on our planet) currently covers about 10% of the Earth's surface.

Okyanuslar gezegenimiz yüzeyinin yüzde 70'inden fazlasını kaplar. - The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet.

{i} kanat (uçak)
{f} rendelemek
{i} düzey
{i} maden ana dehlizi
{i} (Geometri) düzlem
{i} planya
{i} seviye
{i} çınar
{i} rende
{i} düzey, seviye: on an intellectual plane entelektüel bir düzeyde
(Coğrafya) düzlük
çınar ağacı
el planyası

Uçak sahilden ayrılırken düz uçuşa geçmeden önce hızla yükseldi. - The plane rose sharply before leveling off as it left the coast.

O, başka bir varlık düzleminde yaşıyor. - She lives on another plane of existence.

{f} planya ile düzeltmek
{f} uçmak (motorsuz)
{f} rende ile düzeltmek
{s} düzlemsel
eğik düzlem on the same plane aynı düzeyde
aynı derecede
(Tıp) Düzlem, planum

Geometri noktalar, çizgiler ve düzlemlere dayalıdır. - Geometry is based on points, lines and planes.

(Tıp) Düz, yassı, planus
{f} düzeltmek
{f} süzülmek
inclined plane geom
{s} yassı
(Tıp) plan

Hükümet bazı eski uçakların hurdaya ayırmayı planlıyor. - The government plans to scrap some of the older planes.

Senin uçağın saat kaçta kalkması planlanmıştır? - What time is your plane scheduled to take off?


Bütün uçakların kanatları vardır. - All planes have wings.

plane tree
çınar ağacı
plane motion
(Fizik) düzlemsel hareket
plane stress
(İnşaat) düzlemsel gerilme
plane stress
düzlem gerilme
plane wave
(Bilgisayar,Fizik) düzlem dalgası
plane angle
düzlem açı
plane figure
düzlem şekil
plane geometry
düzlem geometri
plane idea
düz düşünce
plane mirror
düz ayna
plane table
düz masa
plane table
plane baffle
düzlem ekran
plane circles
uçak daireler
plane geometry
düzlem geometrisi
plane grate
düz ızgara
plane iron
rende tigi
plane lands
uçak topraklar
plane nose
uçağın burun kısmı
plane of symmetry
simetri düzlemi, bakışım düzlemi
plane of the ecliptic
ekliptik düzlem, tutulum düzlemi
plane of vibration
titreşim düzlemi
plane surface
düz yüz
plane ticket
uçak bileti
plane tile
yassı kiremit, düz kiremit
plane bit
rende tığı
plane cargo
hava kargosu
plane cargo
uçak kargosu
plane curve
(Matematik) düzlemsel eğri
plane curve
(Matematik) düzlem eğri
plane curves
düzlem eğriler
plane damper
düz amortisör
plane down
(Fiili Deyim ) motoru çalıştırmadan inmek
plane figure
düzlem şekiller
plane fill
düz imla
plane flow
iki boyutlu akım
plane flow
düzlemsel akım
plane gasket
düz conta
plane girder
(İnşaat) plak kiriş
plane girder
(İnşaat) yassı kiriş
plane iron
rende tığı
plane knife
rende tığı
plane knife
planya tığı
plane of departure
(Askeri) ÇIKIŞ SATHI: Merminin, namlu ağzını terk ettikten sonra çizdiği yolu içine alan düşey satıh
plane of fire
(Askeri) ATIŞ SATHI: Ateşe hazır bir silah namlu eksenini ihtiva eden düşey satıh
plane of polarization
ucaylanma (polarma) duzlemi
plane of position
(Askeri) TOP-HEDEF SATHI: Silah ve hedefi içine alan düşey satıh; bir nişan hattını içine alan düşey satıh
plane of reference
dayanak duzlemi
plane of site
(Askeri) TOPRAK AÇISI SATHI: Biri namlu ağzından, hedefe uzanan hat; diğeri yatay fakat silah namlu ağzında birinci hatta düşey iki hattın meydana getirdiği düzlem
plane of symmetry
simetri düzlemi
plane of weakness
zayıflık düzlemi
plane sailing
düzlem seyir
plane section
kesit düzlemi
plane strain
düzlemsel deformasyon
plane table
(Askeri) PLANÇETE: Üç ayak üzerinde durabilen ve yatay bir duruma getirilebilen bir resim tahtasından ibaret ölçme vasıtası. Plançete, arazi üzerinde işaretlenmiş olan hat ve noktalara doğrudan doğruya bakmaya ve bunları bir kanave üzerine çizmeye yarar
plane table map
(Askeri) PLANİMETRİK HARİTA; PLANÇETE HARİTASI: Arazi tafsilatı ile aralarındaki yatay ve düşey mesafeleri gösteren büyük ölçekli harita; arz yuvarlaklığından doğan etkiler dikkate alınmadan yapılmış harita. Bu harita, rölyef gösterdiği için planimetrik krokiden (planimetrik sketch) farklıdır. Bak. "map"
plane tile
(İnşaat) düz kiremit
plane tile
(İnşaat) yassı kiremit
plane translational slip
düzlemsel ötelenme kayması
plane tree
plane wave
(Nükleer Bilimler) düzlemsel dalga
plane-polarized light
düzlem-polarize ışık
plough plane
oluk rendesi
body plane
(Otomotiv) kaporta rendesi
carpenter's plane
dive plane
(Bilgisayar) dalış uçağı
get on a plane
uçağa binmek
go by plane
uçakla gitmek
image plane
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) görüntüleme düzlemi
normal plane
(Matematik) dik düzlem
observation plane
(Askeri) gözetleme uçağı
oriental plane
(Çevre) doğu çınarı
freze tezgahı
principle plane
(Jeoloji) asal kesit
principle plane
(Jeoloji) asal düzlem
projective plane
(Matematik) projektif düzlem
reconnaissance plane
(Askeri) gözcü uçağı
reference plane
(Askeri) referans düzlemi
rough plane
kaba rende
slide plane
kayma düzlemi
working plane
(Aydınlatma) çalışma düzlemi
axial plane
eksen düzlemi
back plane
arka düzlem
bead plane
silme rendesi
bedding plane
tabakalaşma yüzeyi
bench plane
tezgah rendesi
bench plane
tezgâh rendesi
bench plane
büyük rende
bisecting plane
açıortay düzlemi
by plane
cargo plane
kargo uçağı
carpenter's plane
marangoz rendesi
chamfer plane
pah rendesi
circular plane
dairesel düzlem
coaxial plane
eksendeş düzlem
collinear plane
kolineer düzlem
combat plane
savaş uçağı
combination plane
birleştirme yüzeyi
complex plane
karmaşık düzlem
coordinate plane
koordinat düzlemi
crystallographic plane
kristalografik düzlem
cutting plane
kesen düzlem
dado plane
düz kürsü taşı
datum plane
referans düzlemi
digit plane
sayı düzlemi
elevation plane
yükseltme yüzeyi
equatorial plane
ekvator düzlemi
equatorial plane
eşlek düzlemi
fault plane
kırık düzlemi
fighter plane
savaş uçağı
fluting plane
oluk rendesi
focal plane
odak düzlemi
h plane
h düzlemi
h plane bend
h düzlemi dirseği
horizontal plane
yatay düzlem
image plane
görüntü düzıemi
in plane vibration
düzlemle titreşim
inclined plane
eğik düzlem
invariable plane
değişmeyen düzlem
isotropic plane
izotropik düzlem
jack plane
kaba planya
jack plane
kaba rende
jet plane

Jet uçağı Narita'ya bir saat geç ulaştı. - The jet plane reached Narita an hour late.

Jet uçakları pervaneli uçaklardan çok daha hızlı uçar. - Jet planes fly much faster than propeller planes.

jet plane
jet uçağı

Jet uçağı anında havalanır. - The jet plane took off in an instant.

Jet uçağı Narita'ya bir saat geç ulaştı. - The jet plane reached Narita an hour late.

land plane
kara uçağı
low wing plane
alçak kanatlı uçak
mail plane
posta taşıyıcı
mail plane
posta uçağı
meteorological plane
meteoroloji uçağı
osculating plane
dokunum düzlemi
out of plane vibration
düzlem dışı titreşim
passenger plane
yolcu uçağı
principal plane
asal düzlem
principal plane
ana düzlem
propjet plane
turbo pervaneli uçak
pursuit plane
avcı uçağı
scout plane
keşif uçağı
slip plane
kayma düzlemi
smoothing plane
perdah rendesi
tailless plane
kuyruksuz uçak
toothing plane
toothing plane
dişli planya
training plane
eğitim uçağı
turbo propeller plane
turbo motorlu uçak
twin propeller plane
çift pervaneli uçak
vertical plane
dik düzlem
woodworking plane
maket uçak
We couldn´t help the plane being late!
Uçağın gecikmesi bizim kabahatimiz değildi!
air plane
hava uçak
back plane
geri düzlem
cartesian plane
Kartezyen düzlem
edge plane
kenar rendesi, köşe rendesi
fillister plane
kamalı kiniş rendesi
fore plane
kaba rende
freight plane
yük uçağı
get on the plane
uçağa binip
gravity plane
vargel rampası
grooving plane
oluk rendesi, kiniş rendesi
half plane
light plane
hafif uçak
miss the plane
uçağı kaçırmak
normal plane
normal düzlem, düzgen düzlem
paper plane
kağıttan uçak
(Mühendislik) planya
propelled plane
motorlu uçak
sea plane
deniz uçağı
tangent plane
teğet düzlemi
transverse plane
enine düzlük, enine yüz
{i} planya makinesi, planya
English - English
A tool for smoothing wood by removing thin layers from the surface
An airplane; an aeroplane
A flat surface extending infinitely in all directions (e.g. horizontal or vertical plane)
Of a surface: flat or level
A level of existence. (eg, astral plane)
A deciduous tree of the genus Platanus
A roughly flat, thin, often moveable structure used to create lateral force by the flow of air or water over its surface, found on aircraft, submarines, etc
Any of a number of designated ranges of sequential code points
To smooth (wood) with a plane
To move in a way that lifts the bow of a boat out of the water
To glide or soar
A sycamore
travel on the surface of water
a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood; "the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work" a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape; "we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane"; "any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane" a level of existence or development; "he lived on a worldly plane" cut or remove with or as if with a plane; "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood" make even or smooth, with or as with a carpenter's plane; "plane the top of the door" travel on the surface of water
{n} a tool, a tree
{v} to smooth, to level
a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood; "the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work"
A plane is a tool that has a flat bottom with a sharp blade in it. You move the plane over a piece of wood in order to remove thin pieces of its surface
A flat surface such that the shortest route between any two locations on the surface is entirely contained within the surface
a level of existence or development; "he lived on a worldly plane"
a shape with infinite length and width but with zero height -- " the same distance from a chosen point on a plane " (245)
A block or plate having a perfectly flat surface, used as a standard of flatness; a surface plate
Any tree of the genus Platanus
To make smooth; to level; to pare off the inequalities of the surface of, as of a board or other piece of wood, by the use of a plane; as, to plane a plank
When a set of points joined together form a flat surface, the plan can extend without end in all directions
Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface
A tool for smoothing boards or other surfaces of wood, for forming moldings, etc
A predefined named selection identifying the atoms in the selection, plus the plane formed by the primary and secondary inertial axes of the selected atoms A molecular system can have only one PLANE selection at a time
a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape; "we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane"; "any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane"
Areas of surface that have height and width but little apparent depth
Imaginary straight line that an attack travels along from any one point to another
A geometric object in 3-dimensional space defined by an equation of the form Ax + By + Cz = D (A, B, C not all 0), that is, the plane contains every point (x,y,z) satisfying this equation For example, z = 0 gives the (x,y) plane
a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood
a flat surface extending endlessly in all directions, a flat surface that goes on and on
A state of progressive experience A plane is a complete series or world of substance under one law There are seven major planes of our Solar System, each divided into seven subplanes which interpenetrate: - (1) Divine; (2) Monadic; (3) Spiritual; (4) Intuitional; (5) Mental; (6) Astral or Emotional; (7) Physical The physical plane includes solids, liquids, gases and four ethers, i e seven states of matter which go to make up the densest expression of life
a flat surface of such nature that a straight line joining two of its points lies wholly in the surface; a plane figure (or a planar figure) is a figure that is entirely within a plane
one technical use of this term is for 64K blocks of codepoints in Unicode Plane zero is the original 64K codepoints that can be represented in a single 16-bit character See Surrogate pair See also Basic multilingual plane and Supplementary plane
Mathematics A surface containing all the straight lines that connect any two points on it
A plane or a plane tree is a large tree with broad leaves which often grows in towns. The plane tree. if you plane a piece of wood, you make it smoother or smaller, using a plane
a flat surface determined by the position of three points in space; any of a number of imaginary surfaces passing through the body and dividing it into segments
When a pixmap or window is thought of as a stack of bitmaps, each bitmap is called a plane or bit plane
{s} flat, planar; level, even
A subset of driver (or service) objects in the I/O Registry that have a certain type of provider/client relationship connecting them The most general plane is the Service plane, which displays the objects in the same hierarchy in which they are attached during Registry construction There are also the Audio, Power, Device Tree, FireWire, and USB planes
It consists of a smooth-soled stock, usually of wood, from the under side or face of which projects slightly the steel cutting edge of a chisel, called the iron, which inclines backward, with an apperture in front for the escape of shavings; as, the jack plane; the smoothing plane; the molding plane, etc
A plane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines, which can fly through the air. He had plenty of time to catch his plane Her mother was killed in a plane crash. fighter planes. = aeroplane, airplane
A surface containing all the straight lines connecting any two points on it A flat or level surface A flat surface determined by any two points in space
{f} smooth wood using a plane; make smooth, remove rough areas
Figuratively, to make plain or smooth
A level of manifestation
To efface or remove
The plane is equivalent to the view of the interferometer array which would been seen from the target source during a full observation, in which the rotation of the Earth sweeps the antennas round in elliptical patterns, the eccentricity depending on the elevation of the source Hence the distance at a particular time for a particular baseline is the baseline length foreshortened according to the source elevation
flat surface consisting of infinitely many points
an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets; "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane"
having a horizontal surface in which no part is higher or lower than another; "a flat desk"; "acres of level farmland"; "a plane surface"
A geometric object defined by any three non-colinear points, containing every line passing through any two of them
A plane is a flat, level surface which may be sloping at a particular angle. a building with angled planes
An ideal surface, conceived as coinciding with, or containing, some designated astronomical line, circle, or other curve; as, the plane of an orbit; the plane of the ecliptic, or of the equator
cut or remove with or as if with a plane; "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood"
A plane is a rectangular grid of elements with an implied mapping from one element to one PE (When a plane is larger than the CAAPP, tiling is used to implement a virtual CAAPP) Currently, these elements are restricted to be scalar values A plane has two dimensions -- a number of rows and a number of columns The element in the upper left hand corner of a plane has a row index of 0 and a column index of 0 Planes are typically used to represent images although they may be used to represent any two dimensional grid of elements Note that a plane is a parallel data type Unlike the array construct familiar in sequential programs, a plane does not support sequential operations such as indexing
implies a two dimensional surface In woodcarving generally (including sculpture) parts with a flat (or flattish) surface; it is in the nature of cutting with chisels and gouges to emphasis changes of plane, distinguishing glyptic from plastic work In relief carving one can use 'plane' simply to mean a different level, as in a 'change of plane' (change of level) which may not be truly flat
(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape; "we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane"; "any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane"
Of a boat, to lift more or less out of the water while in motion, after the manner of a hydroplane; to hydroplane
A surface, real or imaginary, in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that surface; or a surface, any section of which by a like surface is a straight line; a surface without curvature
a tool used to smooth the surface of woodwork by paring shavings from it
make even or smooth, with or as with a carpenter's plane; "plane the top of the door"
A plane is a flat surface, like a piece of paper or a table top
An undefined term A plane has length and width but no thickness It is a flat surface that extends forever (Lesson 2 1)
If you plane a piece of wood, you make it smaller or smoother by using a plane. She watches him plane the surface of a walnut board Again I planed the surface flush
{i} flat surface on which any geometrical line that joins two points can lie (Geometry); two-dimensional surface (Art); airplane; rank, level; type of tree; bladed tool used to smooth wood
Of a surface: Perfectly flat or level
plane angle
An angle formed by two intersecting planes, measured by the angle between two intersecting straight lines that are in respective planes and perpendicular to the intersection of the planes
plane angle
An angle formed by two intersecting straight lines
plane curve
the locus of points in the Euclidean plane that satisfies some geometric or algebraic definition
plane of ecliptic
The surface (plane) that contains the orbit of a planet in a solar system

The plane of ecliptic is the orbital plane of the earth and the other planets in the solar system.

plane polarized light
polarized light in which the electric and magnetic fields vibrate in phase
plane sailing
A technique for navigation using the assumption the Earth is flat
plane sailing
A technique for navigation using planar geometry
plane table
A particular kind of instrument used by surveyors in mapmaking
plane tables
plural form of plane table
plane tree
Any of several trees of the genus Platanus, having ball-shaped fruit clusters and, usually, outer bark that flakes off in patches. a large tree with broad leaves that is often planted along streets. Any of ten species of large trees that make up the genus Platanus, sole genus of the family Platanaceae, native to North America, eastern Europe, and Asia. Plane trees are planted widely in cities for their resistance to diseases and to air pollution and because they grow rapidly and furnish quick shade. They are characterized by scaling bark; large, deciduous, usually lobed leaves; and globular heads of flower and seed. Ball-shaped smooth or bristly seed clusters, which dangle singly and often persist after leaf fall, are key identifiers. Winter bark is patchy and picturesque; as the outer bark flakes off, inner bark shows shades of white, gray, green, and yellow
plane angle
an angle formed by two straight lines (in the same plane)
plane angle
An angle formed by two straight lines in the same plane
plane away
send away, dismiss; straighten, make flat
plane figure
a two-dimensional shape
plane form
form which is flat and not three-dimensional
plane geometry
The geometry of planar figures. the study of lines, shapes etc that are two-dimensional (=with measurements in only two directions, not three)
plane geometry
the geometry of 2-dimensional figures
plane geometry
field in geometry that deals with one dimensional figures
plane of projection
plane used to show geometrical objects, plane on which geometrical figures are drawn (Geometry)
plane seat
a seat on a commercial airliner
plane table
A portable surveying instrument consisting essentially of a drawing board and a ruler mounted on a tripod and used to sight and map topographical details
plane table
See under Plane, a
plane table
surveying instrument consisting of a drawing board and a ruler that are mounted on a tripod; used to sight and map topographical details
plane table
drafting table, table used for drawing blueprints
plane ticket
a ticket good for a trip on an airplane
plane tree
Same as 1st Plane
plane tree
any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits
plane wave
An electromagnetic wave with electric and magnetic components perpendicular to, and in phase with, each other
plane wave
A wave in which the wave fronts are everywhere parallel planes normal to the direction of propagation
plane wave
Wave in which wavefronts are parallel to a plane normal to the direction of propagation
plane wave
A straight wave; a sinusoidal wave such that the line of crests forms a straight line
plane wave
mathematical representations of monochromatic waves with perfect coherence Their usefulness as a model for laser light is dependent on the degree of spectral purity and coherence
(of a moving wave) vibrating in a single plane; "plane-polarized light
Cartesian plane
: The set of all points in a planar coordinate system
Euclidean plane
two-dimensional Euclidean space
Laplace plane
the mean plane occupied by the orbit of a satellite during a precession cycle; the plane normal to the orbital precession pole of the satellite
astral plane
plane of existence according to esoteric philosophies, some religious teachings and New Age thought
axial plane
Any plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts, roughly perpendicular to spine
bedding plane
The planar surface between adjacent strata
bush plane
A light, propeller-driven aircraft, with a high wing, designed to land on, and take off from grass airstrips or rough ground
chase plane
An aircraft that flies alongside another, to advise or photograph it while experimental flights are being carried out
complex plane
a representation of the space of complex numbers
coronal plane
Any vertical plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior (belly and back) sections
datum plane
A plane from which angular or linear measurements are reckoned
fault plane
The plane, or surface formed between the two rock blocks that slip one with the other during an earthquake. The edge of the fault plane can often be seen on the land as a fault line
fighter plane
A military aircraft primarily designed to attack enemy aircraft. Frequently shortened to fighter
gliding plane
A plane of molecular weakness that allows movement without fracture
hyperbolic plane
A topological space homeomorphic to a plane (or open disk) and equipped with a hyperbolic metric
inclined plane
One of the simple machines; a sloping surface such as a ramp such that an object can be raised with less effort than being lifted vertically
jack plane
A general-purpose bench plane, used for general sizing of wood and for smoothing or straightening edges
median plane
The only plane along which the human body is roughly symmetrical, running from the top to the bottom through navel, separating the left and the right hand
mesial plane
the plane which divides the body of an animal into similar right and left halves
oblique plane
A plane which declines from the zenith, or inclines toward the horizon
orbital plane
The surface (plane) that contains an orbit

The plane of ecliptic is the orbital plane of the earth and the other planets in the solar system.

paper plane
Short form of paper airplane
Attributive form of paper plane

paper-plane thrower.

picture plane
In art, the imaginary plane correspondent with the physical surface of a drawing, painting or print
A woodworking tool which smooths a surface or makes one surface of a workpiece parallel to the tool's bed
Comparative form of plane: more plane
rabbet plane
A rebate plane
radical plane
The plane containing the circle formed by the intersection of two spheres (or whose points have equal power with respect to two non-intersecting spheres)
real plane
The Cartesian product of two real lines
rebate plane
a hand plane designed for cutting rebates in wood
rocket plane
A winged aircraft that is propelled by a rocket engine
sagittal plane
Any imaginary plane parallel to median plane
sniffer plane
An airplane that supposedly could detect oil fields underground
tangent plane
Given a point P on a surface M, the tangent plane of M at point P, denoted by TP(M), is the plane passing through P which contains the tangent lines of all the curves on M passing through P
transpyloric plane
A plane located halfway between the suprasternal notch and the upper border of the symphysis pubis; this indicates the margin of the transpyloric plane, which in most cases cuts through the pylorus, the tips of the ninth costal cartilages and the lower border of the first lumbar vertebra
transverse plane
Any plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts, roughly perpendicular to spine
past of plane
One who, or that which, planes; a planing machine; esp
a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood
{i} machine that smooths or finishes wood by shaving it with a steel blade
an electric tool with a flat bottom and a sharp blade, used for making wooden surfaces smooth. Metal-cutting machine tool in which the workpiece is firmly attached to a horizontal table that moves back and forth under a single-point cutting tool. The tool-holding device is mounted on a crossrail so that the tool can be moved across the table in small sideward movements. Since the cutting tool can be moved at almost any angle, a wide variety of grooves and surfaces can be generated. Mechanical planers, or surfacers, are also used to smooth wood to an even thickness. Planers perform the same operations as shapers but can machine workpieces up to 50 ft (15 m) long
A large machine tool in which the workpiece is traversed linearly (by means of a reciprocating bed) beneath a single-point cutting tool. (Analogous to a shaper but larger and with the workpiece moving instead of the tool.) Planers can generate various shapes, but were most especially used to generate large, accurate flat surfaces. The planer is nowadays obsolescent, having been mostly superseded by large milling machines
A woodworking tool which smooths a surface
A wooden block used for forcing down the type in a form, and making the surface even
a machine for planing wood or metals
third-person singular of plane
plural of plane
A boat rising slightly out of the water so that it is gliding over the water rather than plowing through it
& vb
present participle of plane
Descriptive of a hull that is designed to rise farther out of the water as boat speed increases Such a hull is typically shaped like a V, as seen in cross-section from the front or rear
{i} smoothing, finishing, removing rough surfaces
A high speed hull type that skims across the top of the water at speed with minimum displacement
Plane, v