piping hot

listen to the pronunciation of piping hot
English - Turkish
dumanı üstünde
ateş gibi
çok sıcak
(deyim) cok sicak
aşırı sıcak
English - English
Very hot

Don't touch the pie! It's piping hot, straight out of the oven..

Food or water that is piping hot is very hot. large cups of piping-hot coffee
very hot, extremely hot, scalding
Turkish - English

Definition of piping hot in Turkish English dictionary

sıcak sıcak piping hot
piping hot


    pip·ing hot

    Turkish pronunciation

    paypîng hät


    /ˈpīpəɴɢ ˈhät/ /ˈpaɪpɪŋ ˈhɑːt/


    () Middle English First attested circa second half of 14th century, from the similarity between the sizzling sound of food cooking in a frying pan and that of musical pipes, from Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer: ::"He singeth brokking¹ as a nightingale. / He sent her piment, mead, and spiced ale, / And wafers² piping hot out of the glede³: / And, for she was of town, he proffer'd meed." ::¹ quavering, ² cakes, ³ coals