"Cooked" data, as distinct from "raw," is a collection of elements and character data that's ready for presentation The processor is not expected to rearrange, select, or suppress any of the elements, but simply present them as specified See Also: Raw
‘Cooked’ data, as distinct from ‘raw,’ is a collection of elements and character data that's ready for presentation The processor is not expected to rearrange, select, or suppress any of the elements, but simply present them as specified See Also Raw
“Cooked” data, as distinct from “raw,” is a collection of elements and character data that's ready for presentation The processor is not expected to rearrange, select, or suppress any of the elements, but simply present them as specified See Also Raw
A step in the cheesemaking process when the cheese curd is heated, sometimes in the surplus whey Cooked cheeses are all hard cheeses such as Emmentaler and other Swiss types
"Cooked" data, as distinct from "raw," is a collection of elements and character data that's ready for presentation The processor is not expected to rearrange, select, or suppress any of the elements, but simply present them as specified See Also: Raw