(Askeri) FOTON; NİCEL IŞIK: Elektromanyetik enerji temel birimi ve kuantumu. Fotonlar; kitle değerleri sıfır olmakla beraber, hareket halindeki partiküllere benzer bazı hassalara sahiptirler. Bunlardan, teorik olarak, bir uzay aracını güçlendirmek için faydalanılabilir
(Askeri) FOTON MOTORU: Çekiş gücünün, bir ışık ışınları akımından elde edildiği bir çeşit tepkili motor. Böyle bir motorun çekiş gücü pek cüzi olmakla beraber, sonsuz olarak uygulandığı takdirde, ışık hızına yaklaşan bir hız meydana getirecektir
Definition of photon in English English dictionary
The quantum of light and other electromagnetic energy, regarded as a discrete particle having zero rest mass, no electric charge, and an indefinitely long lifetime. It is a gauge boson
a quantum of electromagnetic radiation; an elementary particle that is its own antiparticle
The quantum of of electromagnetic energy, generally regarded as a discrete particle having zero mass, no electric charge, and an indefinitely long lifetime See Electromagnetic Spectrum
A packet of electromagnetic energy Photons have momentum and energy, but no rest mass or electrical charge
The quantum of electromagnetic energy at a given frequency This energy, E=hv, is the product of the Planck constant (h) and the frequency of the radiation (v) Related term: quantum [IUPAC Photo]
A discrete quantity of electromagnetic energy Short wavelength (high frequency) photons carry more energy than long wavelength (low frequency) photons See Electromagnetic Radiation
the fundamental particle or quantum of electromagnetic radiation (radiant energy)
The carrier particle of the electromagnetic interaction Depending on its frequency (and therefore its energy) photons can have different names such as visible light, X rays and gamma rays We describe light in several ways When we talk about "photons" we generally think of uncharged particles with out mass that carry energy (but be careful, there are other particles like this!) Photons of light are known by other names too, such as gamma rays and x-rays Low-energy forms are called ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, even radio waves! A photon is one of the fundamental particle in nature and it plays an important role involving electron interactions Photons are the most familiar particles in everyday existence The light we see, the radiant heat we feel, microwaves we cook with, are make use of photons of different energies An x-ray is simply a name given to the most energetic of these particles More Information: Electromagnetic Interactions
A quantum (energy packet) of electromagnetic radiation; the elementary particle of photon radiation therapy X rays and gamma rays are photon radiation
A photon is a particle of light. a unit of energy that carries light and has zero mass (photo- + -on (from ion)). or light quantum Minute energy packet of electromagnetic radiation. In 1900 Max Planck found that heat radiation is emitted and absorbed in distinct units, which he called quanta. In 1905 Albert Einstein explained the photoelectric effect, proposing the existence of discrete energy packets in light. The term photon came into use for these packets in 1926. The energies of photons range from high-energy gamma rays and X rays to low-energy infrared and radio waves, though all travel at the same speed, the speed of light. Photons have no electric charge or rest mass and are the carriers of the electromagnetic field
Two Photon Absorption (or TPA) refers to the simultaneous absorption of two photons of identical or different frequencies in order to excite a molecule from its ground state to a two-photon allowed excited state