Gübreler fosfor içerir mi?
- Do fertilizers contain phosphorus?
Beyaz fosfor sivillere karşı kullanılırdı.
- White phosphorus was used against civilians.
Baldwin's phosphorus is prepared by melting nitrate of lime in a crucible or ladle for about ten minutes; it is then poured into an iron pot, or mould, previously heated, and has the property, like Canton's phosphorus, of absorbing light when exposed to the sun, and emitting it when taken into a darkened room.
and the Bolognian phosphorus, discovered by Vincenzo Cascariolo, a shoemaker of Bologna, is made by reducing compact sulphate of baryta to a fine powder, which is formed into cakes with mucilage, and these are heated to redness.
The radiated or stellated variety of this sulphate includes the Bologna stone of Monte Paterno, used in the preparation of the Bononian phosphorus.
Canton's phosphorus is made by calcining oyster-shells in the open fire for half an hour; after which, the whitest and largest pieces are selected, mixed with about one-third their weight of flowers of sulphur, pressed into a crucible with a closely-luted cover, and heated red hot for an hour.
and Homberg found, that if it (muriate of lime) was urged by a violent heat till it condensed, on cooling, into a vitreous mass, it emitted a phosphoric light upon being struck by any hard body, in which state it was called Homberg's phosphorus.