philip murray

listen to the pronunciation of philip murray
English - English
born , May 25, 1886, Blantyre, Lanark, Scot. died Nov. 9, 1952, San Francisco, Calif., U.S. Scottish-born U.S. labour leader. After immigrating to the U.S. in 1902, he became a coal miner in Pennsylvania. He joined the United Mine Workers of America and rose through the ranks to serve as vice president (1920-42) under John L. Lewis. When Lewis became president of the newly formed Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in 1936, he delegated Murray to create an industry-wide steelworkers' union (see United Steelworkers of America). Murray succeeded Lewis as CIO president in 1940 and held the post until his death. See also AFL-CIO
philip murray


    Phil·ip Mur·ray

    Turkish pronunciation

    fîlıp mıri


    /ˈfələp ˈmərē/ /ˈfɪləp ˈmɜriː/