pertaining to the banks of a river or other body of fresh water

listen to the pronunciation of pertaining to the banks of a river or other body of fresh water
English - English
pertaining to the banks of a river or other body of fresh water


    pertaining to the Banks of a ri·ver or oth·er bo·dy of fresh wa·ter

    Turkish pronunciation

    pırteynîng tı dhi bängks ıv ı rîvır ır ʌdhır bädi ıv freş wôtır


    /pərˈtānəɴɢ tə ᴛʜē ˈbaɴɢks əv ə ˈrəvər ər ˈəᴛʜər ˈbädē əv ˈfresʜ ˈwôtər/ /pɜrˈteɪnɪŋ tə ðiː ˈbæŋks əv ə ˈrɪvɜr ɜr ˈʌðɜr ˈbɑːdiː əv ˈfrɛʃ ˈwɔːtɜr/