person who skis on water while being pulled by a motorboat

listen to the pronunciation of person who skis on water while being pulled by a motorboat
English - English
water skier
person who skis on water while being pulled by a motorboat


    per·son who skis on wa·ter while be·ing pulled by a mo·tor·boat

    Turkish pronunciation

    pırsın hu skiz ôn wôtır hwayl biîng pûld bay ı mōtırbōt


    /ˈpərsən ˈho͞o ˈskēz ˈôn ˈwôtər ˈhwīl ˈbēəɴɢ ˈpo͝old ˈbī ə ˈmōtərˌbōt/ /ˈpɜrsən ˈhuː ˈskiːz ˈɔːn ˈwɔːtɜr ˈhwaɪl ˈbiːɪŋ ˈpʊld ˈbaɪ ə ˈmoʊtɜrˌboʊt/