Куда подевались кислотные дожди? В новостях о них больше ни слова.
- Whatever happened to acid rain? You don't hear about it in the news anymore.
Историю про девочку показали в новостях.
- The story about the girl was in the news.
In den Nachrichten gab es einige Berichte, von Haustieren, die ihre Halter angefallen haben.
- There have been some stories in the news about pets attacking their owners.
Das kann nicht sein. Es wäre in den Nachrichten gekommen.
- That can't be. It would have been in the news.
Qu'est-il advenu des pluies acides ? On en entend plus parler dans les nouvelles.
- Whatever happened to acid rain? You don't hear about it in the news anymore.
Ver violencia en las noticias me causa desasosiego.
- Watching violence in the news makes me anxious.
La historia sobre la chica salió en las noticias.
- The story about the girl was in the news.