The edge of an awareness cluster--the things and feelings that we have a notion of but can not see clearly This is not part of full awareness, not fixed in a pattern, and not accessible to off-set awareness; and yet it is still there in the cluster and has an influence on it
If something is on the periphery of an area, place, or thing, it is on the edge of it. Geographically, the UK is on the periphery of Europe, while Paris is at the heart of the continent
Poor, exploited regions, historically dominated by strong, wealthy countries World-system theory concept denoting militarily weak regions economically dominated by capitalist core, subject to unequal exchange, limited to raw material exports, reliant on labor-intensive production
The periphery of a subject or area of interest is the part of it that is not considered to be as important or basic as the main part. The sociological study of religion moved from the centre to the periphery of sociology