(proton-exchange membrane) is a fuel cells which uses a polymer as an electrolyte The electric efficiency for PEM-FC are around 40 %, with waste @ 70 - 90 °C, so that the process can be used for combined heat & power generation When adding a reformer, PEM can also use other fuels than H2 (e g natural gas, biogas, methanol)
Privacy Enhanced Mail, a protocol to provide secure Internet mail, including services for encryption, authentication, message integrity, and key management Uses X 509 certificates
Privacy Enhanced Mail, a special mail protocol that provides encryption of mail message content
Privacy Enhanced Mail Format for the digital signing of texts and the sending of certificates Additionally, encryption can be carried out The format is framed in such a way that it can be sent regardless of the transport path and the e-mail applications PEM documents are suited for local verification of signatures and privacy because they keep their security enhancements after being received Thus PEM serves well for document security in general (See also MailTrusT )
(PROTON EXCHANGE MEMBRANE) FUEL CELL Considered the most promising fuel-cell technology for use in vehicles PEM fuel cells use a PROTON (a hydrogen ion) conducting solid membrane -- much like kitchen plastic wrap -- as the ELECTROLYTE The solid membrane allows the PEM fuel cell to be smaller and operate cooler than liquid electrolytes used in alkaline and phosphoric acid fuel cells (See FUEL CELL)
Privacy-Enhanced Mail Relatively new standard for Email security using cryptographic techniques for authentication and privacy of messages Primarily defined in RFC 1421, 1422, 1423 and 1424 One somewhat popular attempt at an implementation is RIPEM
A program which scrambles email in the transfer process and requires a password prior to unscrambling it