pecuniary benefit

listen to the pronunciation of pecuniary benefit
English - Russian
денежное пособие
English - Portuguese
benefício pecuniário
English - Spanish
beneficio pecuniario
English - German
geldwerter Vorteil
a pecuniary benefit
einen geldwerten Vorteil erhalten
English - Lehçe
korzyściach finansowych
English - Greek
χρηματικών παροχών (hrimatikon parohon)
English - French
avantage pécuniaire
English - Finnish
taloudellisena hyötynä
English - Italian
vantaggio pecuniario
English - Swedish
ekonomisk fördel
English - Danish
økonomisk tilskud
English - Dutch
geldelijk voordeel
pecuniary benefit


    pe·cu·ni·a·ry Ben·e·fit

    Turkish pronunciation

    pekyunieri benıfît


    /peˈkyo͞onēˌerē ˈbenəfət/ /pɛˈkjuːniːˌɛriː ˈbɛnəfɪt/