
listen to the pronunciation of paylaşılmış
Turkish - English

The interview was recorded on video and shared all over the Internet. - Görüşme videoya kaydedilip tüm internette paylaşılmıştı.

Used by multiple entities or for multiple purposes or in multiple ways
Simple past tense and past participle of share
past of share
have in common; held or experienced in common; "two shared valence electrons forming a bond between adjacent nuclei"; "a shared interest in philately
{s} distributed, divided, apportioned (between two or more people, groups, etc.); jointly held (by two or more people, groups, etc.)
{f} shared

The children shared a pizza after school. - Çocuklar okuldan sonra bir pizzayı paylaştılar.

I shared my room with sysko. - Ben odamı sysko ile paylaştım.

divvy up
{f} sharing

Nakido is a file sharing platform. - Nakido bir dosya paylaşım platformudur.

We're sharing your work. - Biz işini paylaşıyoruz.

{f} share

Dorenda really is a nice girl. She shares her cookies with me. - Dorenda gerçekten iyi bir kızdır, o kurabiyelerini benimle paylaşıyor.

Personal life of Larry Ewing was shared in a website. - Bir web sayfasında, Larry Ewing'in özel hayatı paylaşıldı.
