paved the way

listen to the pronunciation of paved the way
English - English

Definition of paved the way in English English dictionary

pave the way
To make future development easier

Germany's development of rocket weapons paved the way for human controlled spaceflight.

pave the way
(deyim) Be a preparation which will make it possible for something to happen in the future

Scientists hope that data from this expedition will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.

paved the way for
made preparations for, got things ready for; made things easier for
paved the way

    Turkish pronunciation

    peyvd dhi wey


    /ˈpāvd ᴛʜē ˈwā/ /ˈpeɪvd ðiː ˈweɪ/


    [ 'pAv ] (transitive verb.) 14th century. Middle English, from Middle French paver, from Latin pavire to strike, pound; perhaps akin to Greek paiein to strike.


    ... paved the way for the coming of the British monarchy? ...