patolojik histoloji, hastalıklı dokuları inceleyen tıp dalı

listen to the pronunciation of patolojik histoloji, hastalıklı dokuları inceleyen tıp dalı
Turkish - English
The microscopic study of tissue, especially of abnormal tissue as a result of disease
The examination of cells and tissues in the laboratory to aid in diagnosis of disease and disorders
The branch of medicine concerned with the changes in tissues caused by disease (COD)
The branch of science concerned with the histologic or cytologic structure of diseased tissue The staining and microscopic examination of organ tissues
{i} study of the structure of diseased tissues
study of body tissue to diagnose disease
The study of microscopic changes in diseased tissue
the microscopic study of diseased tissue
This is the science concerned with the study of microscopic changes in diseased tissues
= Science dealing with the pathological changes in tissues of plant or animal origin
patolojik histoloji, hastalıklı dokuları inceleyen tıp dalı


    pa·to·lo·jik his·to·lo·ji, has·ta·lık·lı do·ku·la·rı in·ce·le·yen tıp da·lı