passes with flying colors

listen to the pronunciation of passes with flying colors
English - Turkish

Definition of passes with flying colors in English Turkish dictionary

with flying colors
çok başarılı bir şekilde
English - English

Definition of passes with flying colors in English English dictionary

with flying colors
Extremely well; in an exceptional, noteworthy, or extraordinary manner

He passed the test with flying colors, as everyone expected.

with flying colors
(deyim) With complete or eminent success
with flying colors
with excellency
passes with flying colors


    passes with fly·ing col·ors

    Turkish pronunciation

    päsız wîdh flayîng kʌlırz


    /ˈpasəz wəᴛʜ ˈflīəɴɢ ˈkələrz/ /ˈpæsəz wɪð ˈflaɪɪŋ ˈkʌlɜrz/