part of the mediterranean sea between ıtaly and yugoslavia

listen to the pronunciation of part of the mediterranean sea between ıtaly and yugoslavia
English - Turkish

Definition of part of the mediterranean sea between ıtaly and yugoslavia in English Turkish dictionary

part of the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Yugoslavia
English - English

Definition of part of the mediterranean sea between ıtaly and yugoslavia in English English dictionary

part of the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Yugoslavia
{i} the Adriatic
part of the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Yugoslavia
{i} Adriatic Sea
part of the mediterranean sea between ıtaly and yugoslavia


    part of the Me·di·ter·ra·ne·an sea be·tween i·ta·ly and Yu·go·sla·vi·a

    Turkish pronunciation

    pärt ıv dhi medıtıreyniın si bitwin îtıli ınd yugōsläviı


    /ˈpärt əv ᴛʜē ˌmedətərˈānēən ˈsē bēˈtwēn ˈətəlē ənd ˌyo͞ogōˈslävēə/ /ˈpɑːrt əv ðiː ˌmɛdətɜrˈeɪniːən ˈsiː biːˈtwiːn ˈɪtəliː ənd ˌjuːɡoʊˈslɑːviːə/