Fırtına onun mülkiyetine büyük zarar verdi.
- The storm did great damage to her property.
Tüm mülkiyetini oğluna bağışladı.
- He handed over all his property to his son.
Hiç kimse keyfi olarak mal ve mülkünden mahrum edilemez.
- No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Her şahıs tek başına veya başkalarıyla birlikte mal ve mülk sahibi olma hakkına sahiptir.
- Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
Bu çok büyük bir özellik.
- It's a very large property.
Aşırıiletkenlik fiziksel bir özelliktir.
- Superconductivity is a physical property.
Babası tarafından ona bırakılan servet onun rahat bir şekilde yaşamasını sağlar.
- The property left him by his father enables him to live in comfort.
Tom muazzam servetin, onun emrinde olduğunu iddia etti.
- Tom claimed that the enormous property was at his disposal.
The king answers, and began first to say how Harold fair-hair had owned all the allodial land the Orkneys, but the earls have held it since in fief, but never as their owndom .
Hence we maintain that man cannot be a man without property. He cannot be his own without an outward owndom.