Definition of ovo-viviparous in English English dictionary
producing offspring that are gestated within eggs rather than via a placenta, these eggs hatching inside the mother's body before the young are born. For example, the Anaconda
= the mother produces eggs, but they hatch inside of her before she lays them, and then are born This is different from live birth (viviparous) because in ovoviviparous birth there were eggs, the eggs just hatched before being laid Also ovoviviparous young are not nourished in the womb by the mother, as are viviparous young Compare to: oviparous , and viviparous
Fish and other organisms that produce eggs which hatch internally, fertilization is internal, the fertilized eggs are self-contained and receive no futher nutrients from the mother
Reproducing by eggs which the female retains within her body until they hatch; the developing eggs contain a yolk sac and receive no nourishment from the mother through a placenta or similar structure
(' v v vip' r s) An animal that produces eggs with enclosing membranes that are incubated and hatch inside the body or upon being expelled, so that the young are born alive