our schedule is maxed out for this week

listen to the pronunciation of our schedule is maxed out for this week
English - German
Unser Terminplan für diese Woche ist voll
our schedule is maxed out for this week


    our sched·ule I·s maxed out for this week

    Turkish pronunciation

    aur skecul îz mäkst aut fôr dhîs wik


    /ˈour ˈskeʤo͞ol əz ˈmakst ˈout ˈfôr ᴛʜəs ˈwēk/ /ˈaʊr ˈskɛʤuːl ɪz ˈmækst ˈaʊt ˈfɔːr ðɪs ˈwiːk/