(Felsefe) The Novum Organum iş a philosophical work by Francis Bacon published in 1620. The title translates as "new ınstrument". This iş a reference to Aristotle's work Organon which was his treatise on logic and syllogism. İn Novum Organum, Bacon details a new system of logic he believes to be superior to the old ways of syllogism. For Bacon, finding the essence of a thing was a simple process of reduction. İn finding the cause of a phenomenal nature such as heat, öne must list all of the situations where heat iş found. Then another list should be drawn up, listing situations that are similar to those of the first list except for the lack of heat. A third table lists situations where heat can vary. The form nature, or cause, of heat must be that which iş common to all instances in the first table, iş lacking from all instances of the second table and varies by degree in instances of the third table
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Definition of organum in English English dictionary
Early polyphonic setting of plainchant (see Gregorian chant), the earliest form of counterpoint. The oldest written organum ( 900), which evidently reflects a prevailing improvisational practice, consists of two lines moving simultaneously, note against note, the added line often paralleling the chant line a fourth or a fifth below. Later the added line acquired greater melodic individuality and independence. Organum consisting of more than one note against each chant note (florid or melismatic organum) appeared by the early 12th century. Three-and four-voice organum were first composed by the Notre-Dame school. Organum died out with the advent of the 13th-century motet
An organ or instrument; hence, a method by which philosophical or scientific investigation may be conducted; a term adopted from the Aristotelian writers by Lord Bacon, as the title ("Novum Organon") of part of his treatise on philosophical method
Liturgical music, based on existing plainsong,, used to set prose; the earliest genre of medieval polyphonic music