organisch (krankheit)

listen to the pronunciation of organisch (krankheit)
German - English
Involving bodily force

This team plays a very physical game, so watch out.

Having to do with the material world

It's not so much a physical place as a state of mind.

{a} medicinal, relating to nature
When used to describe a graphics object (such as a font or brush), this means that the object described is an actual object Physical objects can be used to actually draw on devices Back
It refers to physical access to a facility, specific work areas, or computer systems
This tab contains information gathered from physical examination of the patient The content of this tab may be represented in text, audio, or visual format
Having to do with physics
Physical qualities, actions, or things are connected with a person's body, rather than with their mind. the physical and mental problems caused by the illness The attraction between them is physical. + physically physi·cal·ly You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight. disabled people who cannot physically use a telephone
Physical things are real things that can be touched and seen, rather than ideas or spoken words. Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe. physical evidence to support the story. + physically physi·cal·ly physically cut off from every other country
Characteristic of computer components, generally hardware, that actually exist In programs, physical components can be represented by logical components
Perceptible through a bodily or material organization; cognizable by the senses; external; as, the physical, opposed to chemical, characters of a mineral
{s} bodily, corporeal; pertaining to physics; material, tangible; natural
Having material existence
Physical examination
Of physicality; reflected, incomplete
(adjective)-relating to the natural features of the world, the laws of natural philosophy or physics
Physical Learners are the toe-tappers, hand-wavers, and fidgeters of the world These are the people who can't seem to sit still They simply think well while their bodies are in motion They relate best to the world through their hands and bodies Physical Learners will enjoy sports, building, and dancing When learning new information or developing academic skills, Physical Learners benefit most from role play, manipulating and touching objects, or performing movement exercises Some examples of Physical Learners applying their learning style to their work are professional dancers, professional athletes, surgeons, and craftspeople
A physical is a medical examination, done in order to see if someone is fit and well enough to do a particular job or to join the army. Bob failed his physical = medical. .physical examin'ation a thorough examination of someone's body by a doctor, in order to discover whether they are healthy or have any illnesses or medical problems. physical anthropology physical chemistry physical education physical medicine and rehabilitation physical therapy
Physical means relating to the structure, size, or shape of something that can be touched and seen. the physical characteristics of the terrain
relating to the body or the material world, as in: I must make an appointment with my doctor for a physical examination
organisch (krankheit)