
listen to the pronunciation of optical
English - Turkish
görme duyusuyla ilgili
opticallyoptik vasıtalarla
{s} optikle ilgili
{s} optik

Bu ondan daha uzun görünür ama o bir optik illüzyondur. - This looks longer than that, but it is an optical illusion.

Dizüstü bilgisayarımda optik disk sürücüsü yok. - My laptop doesn't have an optical disk drive.

görme duyusunaoptical illusion gözün yanılması
görme duyusuna yardım eden
(Tekstil) optik, ışınsal
{s} görüş
{s} görme
{s} göz

Bu ürünle birlikte optik aletlerin kullanımı göz tehlikesini artıracaktır. - The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard.

{s} görsel

Burada bir görsel yanılsama var. Küpe baktığını düşünüyorsun ama gerçekte ekrana bakıyorsun. - Here's an optical illusion: you think you are looking at a cube, but in fact you are looking at the screen.

görüşle ilgili
göz veya ışık vasıtasıyle işleyen
optical aberration
optik aberasyon
optical activity
ışıksal etkinlik
optical activity
optik etkinlik
optical character reader
optik karakter okuyucu
optical character recognition
optik karakter tanıma
optical density
ışıksal yoğunluk
optical density
optik yoğunluk
optical device
görme cihazı
optical illusion
optik illüzyon
optical illusion
göz yanılması
optical image
optik görüntü
optical mark reader
optik işaret okuyucu
optical microscope
optik mikroskop
optical printing
optik basım
optical refraction
optik kırılma
optical scanner
optik tarayıcı
optical sight
optik görüş
optical sight reticle
optik görüş nişangahı
optical sound
optik ses
optical viewfinder
optik tarayıcı
optical viewfinder
optical activity
optik etkinlik, isiksal etkinlik
optical center
optik merkez
optical character reader
bilg. optik karakter okuyucu
optical character recognition
bilg. optik karakter tanıma
optical density
optik yoğunluk, isiksal yoğunluk
optical depth
optik derinlik
optical disk
optik disk
optical disk platter
optik disk tablası
optical display keyboard
optik ekran klavye
optical distortion
optik distorsiyon
optical drive
optik sürücü
optical flat
optik düzlük
optical font sensing
optik font algılama
optical grating
ızgara optik
optical indicator
optik gösterge
optical isolator
optik izolatör
optical isomer
optik izomer, isikça esiz
optical maser
optik maşer
optical memory
optik bellek
optical parametric amplifier
Optik parametrik yükselteç
optical printing
optik başım
optical pyrometer
optik pirometre
optical rotation
optik dönme
optical sight reticle
optik görüş nisangahi
optical sound head
optik ses kayıt kafası, optik seslendirme kafası
optical sound lamp
optik ses lambası, eksitasyon lambası, uyarıcı lamba
optical sound recorder
ses kayıt makinesi, optik seslendirici
optical sound track
optik ses kuşağı, optik ses yolu
optical aberration
görme hatası,optik aberasyon
optical axis
(Askeri) OPTİK EKSEN: Bir mercekte mercek yüzeylerinin eğiklik merkezlerinden geçen doğru hat. Bir optik sistemde bir dizi optik unsurun ana eksenlerinin birleşmesiyle oluşan doğru
optical bleaching
(Tekstil) optik ağartma, optik beyazlatma Açıklama: Ultra viole ışınları görünür ışınlara dönüştürerek, kumaştan yansıyan ışık miktarının artmasını sağlamak
optical brightener
(Tekstil) optik ağartıcı, optik beyazlatıcı
optical brightening
(Tekstil) optik ağartma, optik beyazlatma
optical bus
optik (isil) veriyolu
optical character
bilg. optik karakter tanıma
optical character recognition
(OCR) Optik Karakter Tanıma
optical connector
optik baglac
optical coupler
optik (isil) baglastirici
optical disk platter
Optik Disk Tabağı
optical fiber
optik elyaf
optical fiber
Fiber Optik
optical fiber lightguide
optik lif dalga kilavuzu
optical fibre
optik (isil) lif
optical gas mask
(Askeri) OPTİK GAZ MASKESİ: Ses naklini ve optik aletlerin kullanılmasını temin edecek özel diyaframlı bir başlığı bulunan gaz maskesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "gas mask"
optical illusion
görsel yanılsama
optical illusion
göz aldanması
optical illusion
göz yanılsaması
optical image
optik imge
optical information storage
optik (isil) bilgi saklatimi
optical instrument
(Askeri) OPTİK ALET: Çalışması ışığın özelliklerine dayanan ölçme, nişan, gösterme veya hesaplama aleti. Mesela; teleskop (telescope), mikroskop (microscope), transit (transit), spektroskop (spectroscope), sekstant (sextant) ve telemetre (range finder) gibi
optical instrument
optik alet
optical insulator
optik yalitici
optical intelligence
(Askeri) optik istihbarat
optical landing system
(Askeri) OPTİK İNİŞ SİSTEMİ: Bir gemi güvertesinde ciroskopik olarak dengelenmiş veya karada bulunan ve pilota, önceden seçilmiş süzülme hattından olan sapmasını bildiren bir tertibat. Ayrıca bakınız: "ground-controlled approach"
optical medium
Optik Ortam
optical mine hunting
(Askeri) OPTİK MAYIN ARAMA: Deniz dibindeki veya deniz dibinden yukarıdaki mayın ve mayın benzeri nesneleri tespit etmek ve sınıflandırmak amacıyla belirli bir optik sistemin kullanılması (örneğin; televizyon veya dalar dubalı dalgıç)
optical network
optik ag
optical platter
optik plak
optical scanner
bilg. optik tarayıcı
optical scanning
optik (isil) tarama
optical sensor
optik duyucu
optical shaft encoder
optik kodlayici
optical sight
(Askeri) OPTİK NİŞANGAH: Bombardıman için silahları tevcihte veya ölçmede kullanılan mercekli, prizmalı veya aynalı nişangah
optical transfer function
(Nükleer Bilimler) (otf) optik transfer fonksiyonu
optical transmission
optik (isil) iletim
optical waveguide
optik (isil) dalgakilavuzu
optical whitener
(Tekstil) optik ağartıcı, optik beyazlatıcı
operational linescan system; optical landing system
(Askeri) harekat hat tarama sistemi; optik iniş sistemi
enterprise optical networking
kurumsal optik şebekeleme
enterprise optical networking
kurumsal optik ağlar
integrated optical circuit
(Bilgisayar) tümleşik optik devre
(İnşaat) görsel

Burada bir görsel yanılsama var. Küpe baktığını düşünüyorsun ama gerçekte ekrana bakıyorsun. - Here's an optical illusion: you think you are looking at a cube, but in fact you are looking at the screen.

electro optical effect
elektro optik etki
electro optical transistor
elektro optik transistör
gözle ilgili

Bu optik bir illizyon. - It's an optical illusion.

Dizüstü bilgisayarımda optik disk sürücüsü yok. - My laptop doesn't have an optical disk drive.

film optical sensing device
optik film algılama aygıtı

Bu ürünle birlikte optik aletlerin kullanımı göz tehlikesini artıracaktır. - The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard.

photo optical storage
Fotoğraf optik depolama
plastic optical fibre
Plastik optik fiber
Office of Military Cooperation; optical memory card
(Askeri) Askeri İşbirliği Dairesi; optik bellek kartı
electro optical effect
elektro-optik etki
electro optical transistor
elektro-optik transistör
erasable optical disk
yeniden yazilabilir optik disk
fresnel lens optical landing system
(Askeri) fresnel lensli optik iniş sistemi
instrument with optical index
isikli gostergeli alet
integrated optical circuit
optik tumdevre
medical supply, optical, and maintenance unit
(Askeri) tıbbi ikmal, optik ve bakım birliği
(Tıp) (al) Görmeğe ait, görme ile ilgili, optik, opticus
dili göz
göze veya görme duyusuna ait
{s} görüş
göz ilmine ait
{s} görme
görüşle ilgili olarak
passive optical component
pasif optik bileşen
recordable optical disk
yeniden yazilabilir optik disk
rewritable optical disk
yeniden yazilabilir optik disk
synchronous optical network
(Askeri) eş zamanlı optik ağ
tactical optical surveillance system
(Askeri) taktik optik keşif sistemi
tactical optical surveillance system (TOSS) imagery processing system
(Askeri) taktik optik gözetleme sistemi (TOSS) görüntü işlem sistemi
vertical optical landing system
(Askeri) dikey optik iniş sistemi
write once optical disk
(WOOD) bir kere yazilir optik disk
write once optical disk
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bir kere yazılır optik disk
English - English
Designed to assist or enhance sight

A microscope is an optical instrument.

Of, or relating to optics

Refraction is an optical effect.

Of, or relating to sight; visual
Incorporating light-sensitive devices

An optical switch opens the door automatically.

Of, or relating to visible light

Optical telescopes don't work when it is cloudy.

{a} relating to optics or vision
Of or pertaining to vision or sight
Relating to the science of optics; as, optical works
relating to or using sight; "ocular inspection"; "an optical illusion"; "visual powers"; "visual navigation"
Professional-level computer software by ColorVision that allows you to accurately calibrate your monitor This is what we use at WCi
The original domain of astronomy (and all the sciences), defined at first by the wavelengths that the human eye responds to This extends from about 4000-6800 Angstroms, often extended in astronomy to include the entire window around this band which the atmosphere passes with little attenuation (3000 Angstroms to about 10,000 Angstroms = 1 micron) Familiar technologies (lenses, aluminized mirrors, photographic emulsions, charge-coupled devices) are at their best here Stars are obviously important sources of optical radiation, as are ionized gas and, in some nuclei and jets, synchrotron radiation from particles carrying very large energies
involving the use of light-sensitive devices to acquire information for a optical
visual; products or components for cameras, microscopes, etc
of or relating to or resembling the eye; "ocular muscles"; "an ocular organ"; "ocular diseases"; "the optic (or optical) axis of the eye"; "an ocular spot is a pigmented organ or part believed to be sensitive to light"
Optical means something which pertains or is designed to assist sight; pertaining to or using light
Of or pertaining to the eye; ocular; as, the optic nerves (the first pair of cranial nerves) which are distributed to the retina
of Brain, and Eye
Optical devices, processes, and effects involve or relate to vision, light, or images. optical telescopes. the optical effects of volcanic dust in the stratosphere. relating to machines or processes which are concerned with light, images, or the way we see things. adj. optical character recognition Optical art optical activity scanner optical
A piece of film which has been manipulated in some special way, after it has already been shot, to create some special effect
320 nm - 700 nm
{s} visional; of the eye; of vision
A finger image capture technique that uses a light source, a prism and a platen to capture finger images
of or relating to or involving light or optics; "optical supplies
of or relating to or involving light or optics; "optical supplies"
A storage medium which data can be from and that is written on using lasers It can store up to 6 gigabytes
optical activity
a property caused by asymmetrical molecular or crystal structure that enables a compound or crystal to rotate the plane of incident polarized light
optical activity
A measure of the amount of optical rotation produced by a standard amount of a substance
optical art
Op art
optical astronomy
Astronomy using infrared, visible, and/or ultraviolet wavelengths
optical astronomy
Astronomy using observations using telescopes and recording media that capture visible light
optical character recognition
The electronic identification and digital encoding of printed or handwritten characters by means of an optical scanner and specialized software
optical disc
A modern data storage medium consisting of a flat disc read mechanically by illumination with laser light. Various formats include the Laserdisc, compact disc, DVD, and Blu-ray
optical double
A star that appears as a double due to an optical illusion; in reality, the stars may be far apart from each other
optical fiber
Alternative form of optical fibre
optical fibre
A thin, transparent, flexible fibre, made of glass or plastic, used for transmitting light
optical flat
a disk of high-quality quartz glass having at least one side ground and polished with a deviation in flatness less than 50 nanometers all over, and a surface quality of 5 microfinish or less; used, in an interferometer, to measure the flatness of other surfaces
optical illusion
An image that is visually deceptive or misleading
optical illusions
plural form of optical illusion
optical isomer
Any one of a number of compounds that exhibit optical isomerism
optical isomers
plural form of optical isomer
optical media
Data storage in the form of an optical disc such as Laserdisc, compact disc, DVD, and Blu-ray
optical rotation
The rotation of the plane of polarization of plane polarized light as it passes through a chiral medium
optical rotatory dispersion
the variation in the optical rotation of a substance with the wavelength of light
optical spectrum
the distribution of colours produced when white light passes through a prism; the range of frequencies of visible light
optical spectrum
the colours of the rainbow
optical switch
A switch that can selectively change signals between optical fibers or integrated optical circuits
optical trap
A device that employs a focused laser beam to trap, manipulate and image very small particles
optical correlator
An optical correlator is a device for comparing two signals by utilising the Fourier transforming properties of a lens. It is commonly used in optics for target tracking and identification
optical parametric amplifier
An optical parametric amplifier, abbreviated OPA, is a laser light source that emits the light of variable wavelengths by an optical parametric amplification process
Optical Plot Reading
(Computers) program that automatically converts a picture file or computer drawing into an ASCII file made from digital data in which each point is represented by its coordinates, OPR
optical activity
the rotation of polarization from interaction with a medium
optical activity
the effect of some materials causing the direction of polarization to rotate as the light passes through
optical activity
The rotation of plane polarized light by one of a pair of optical isomers
optical activity
The plane of vibration of linearly polarized light rotates as it propagates through a medium This rotation can occur in either a right or left handed direction Since linearly polarized light can be regarded as the sum of right and left hand circularly polarized components, this optical activity corresponds to different indices of refraction for the two circular components(circular birefringence)
optical activity
A property caused by asymmetrical molecular structure that enables a substance to rotate the plane of incident polarized light. Ability of a substance to rotate the plane of polarization of a beam of light passed through it, either as crystals or in solution. Clockwise rotation as one faces the light source is "positive," or dextrorotary; counterclockwise rotation "negative," or levorotary. Louis Pasteur was the first to recognize that molecules with optical activity are stereoisomers (see isomerism). Optical isomers occur in pairs that are nonsuperimposable mirror images of one another. They have the same physical properties except for their effect on polarized light; in chemical properties they differ only in their interactions with other stereoisomers (see asymmetric synthesis)
optical bench
apparatus for observation and measurement of optical phenomena
optical character reader
A device used for optical character recognition
optical character recognition
computer software that recognizes numbers and letters of the alphabet which are written on paper, so that information from paper documents can be scanned into a computer
optical character recognition
ability of a computer to recognize printed or handwritten characters by means of an optical scanner and specialized software
optical computer
A computer that uses holograms for compact data storage and laser beams for connections. Most optical computers use electronic components for computation
optical crown
optical glass of low dispersion and low refractive index
optical device
a device for producing or controlling light
optical disc
high-capacity storage medium for storing computer data which is read and written by lasers
optical disk
a disk coated with plastic that can store digital data astiny pits etched in the surface; is read with a laser that scans the surface
optical disk
compact disk, disk containing music or data which is written and read by lasers
optical disk
A plastic-coated disk that stores digital data, such as music or text, as tiny pits etched into the surface and is read with a laser scanning the surface. Also called laser disk. See Usage Note at compact disk
optical drive
input device for reading (and sometimes writing) from optical discs
optical fiber
(general optics) Optical fibers provide the transportation of optical signals or/and optical power over a certain distance Most fibers for telecommunication purpose are made of quartz, due to the low losses of downto 0 1dB/km, while some short-distance fibers have cheap and easy to handle plasics as basic material In every case, the guidance of light is provided by total reflection inside the fiber core, wich has a slighly higher refractive index than the rest of the fiber(cladding) An outer plastic coating protects the fiber from mechanical or chemical influences Standard telecommunication fibers have an outer cladding diameter of 0 125mm and core diameters of 9 microns (9/125 monomode fiber) or 50 microns (50/125 multimode fiber) For long distance telecommunications only monomode fibers are used, due to the absence of modal dispersion Sources to get more info
optical fiber
An extremely thin, flexible thread of pure glass, able to carry one thousand times the information possible with traditional copper wire
optical fiber
Optical fiber cables consist of thin filaments of glass (or other transparent materials), which can carry beams of light A laser transmitter encodes frequency signals into pulses of light and sends them down the optical fiber to a receiver, which translates the light signals back into frequencies Less susceptible to noise and interference than other kinds of cables, optical fibers can transmit data greater distances without amplification But because the glass filaments are fragile, optical fiber must be run underground rather than overhead on telephone poles
optical fiber
  A filament of transparent dielectric material, usually glass or plastic, and usually circular in cross section, that guides light (188)  Note 1: An optical fiber usually has a cylindrical core surrounded by, and in intimate contact with, a cladding of similar geometry   Note 2: The refractive index of the core must be slightly higher than that of the cladding for the light to be guided by the fiber   Synonym lightguide
optical fiber
a very thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light; used in bundles to transmit images
optical fiber
A flexible optically transparent fiber, usually made of glass or plastic, through which light can be transmitted by successive internal reflections
optical fiber
Filament of quartz of other optical material capable of transmitting light along its conformation and emitting it at the end
optical fiber
Optical fiber (or "fiber optic") is a transmission medium associated with the transmission of information as light pulses along a glass or plastic wire or fiber Optical fiber carries a lot more information than copper wire and is usually not subject to electromagnetic interference and the need to retransmit signals Most of Verizon's inter-office telephone lines are now of optical fiber
optical fiber
A glass or plastic fiber that has the ability to guide light along its axis The three parts of an optical fiber are the core, the cladding, and the coating or buffer
optical fiber
A thin filament of glass Optical waveguide consisting of cladding and a core capable of carrying information in the form of light
optical fiber
A glass conduit that transmits data encoded in light signals
optical fiber
Glass fiber cable used to carry signals made up of lightwaves
optical fiber
See: Fiber-Optic Cable
optical fiber
Any filament of fiber, made of dielectric material, that guides light
optical fiber
A transparent fiber, usually of glass or plastic, that can transmit light down its length by means of total internal reflection
optical fiber
Medium that carries digital data signals in the form of modulated pulses of light An optical fiber consists of an extremely thin cylinder of glass, called the core, surrounded by a concentric layer of glass, known as the cladding
optical fiber
Long strands of glass, thinner than a human hair, which propagate a lightwave signal for use in broadband communications Synonym for fiber, lightguide
optical fiber
Filament of quartz or other optical material capable of transmitting light along its conformation and emitting it at the end
optical fiber
A glass or plastic fiber surrounded by a material with a lower index of refraction Optical fibers transmit light from one end to the other by internal reflection
optical fiber
Optical fibers are light guides for electromagnetic waves in the infrared and visible light spectrum composed of concentric cylinders made of dielectric materials with different indices of refraction (i e , velocity of propagation normalized to the velocity of light in free space) At the center is a core comprising the glass or plastic strand or fiber in which a light wave travels A low index of refraction clad surrounds the core and is itself enclosed in a light-absorbing jacket that prevents interference among multi-fiber cables Multi-fiber cable can be purchased with between 2 and 136 fibers
optical fiber
A thin glass or plastic filament used for the transmission of information via light signals The signal carrying part of a fiber optic cable
optical fibers
flexible glass fibers that are used for transferring light
optical fibre
– provides a high bandwidth alternative to copper wire for transmitting data Information is translated in light pulses which can be transmitted over optical fibre with little to no signal loss A number of optical fibre technologies exist – cheaper technologies provide high bandwidth over relatively short distances suitable for LANs, campus networks and so called Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) while more expensive technologies are used by telecom network providers, over extremely long distances
optical fibre
op·ti·cal fi·bre optical fibres in AM, use optical fiber An optical fibre is a very thin thread of glass inside a protective coating. Optical fibres are used to carry information in the form of light. optical fiber a long thin thread of glass or plastic along which information can be sent through a phone or computer system, using light
optical fibre
a strand of glass or silica used as a cable for telecommunications purposes The data it sends is read in terms of pulses of light Optical fibres offer almost unlimited Bandwidth and thus high data rates
optical fibre
Optical fiber cables consist of thin filaments of glass (or other transparent materials), which can carry beams of light A laser transmitter encodes frequency signals into pulses of light and sends them down the optical fiber to a receiver, which translates the light signals back into frequencies Less susceptible to noise and interference than other kinds of cables, optical fibers can transmit data greater distances without amplification But because the glass filaments are fragile, optical fiber must be run underground rather than overhead on telephone poles
optical fibre
A thin strand of ultra pure glass used to carry pulses of light Corning Fibres
optical fibre
Glass fibres using lightwaves for transmission of signals
optical fibre
Cable made of glass fibres through which signals are transmitted as pulses of light It is a broadband medium that can easily provide capacity for a large number of channels
optical fibre
a very thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light; used in bundles to transmit images
optical fibre
Contrary to popular opinion, optical fibre is not always made of glass They can be made from special kinds of plastic In any case, the fibres are designed so that a beam of light introduced at one end stays within the tube until it exits the other end The advantage here, of course, is that the data is carried along the fibre at the speed of light
optical fibre
Thin cylinder of glass or sometimes plastic, no thicker than a human hair, that light is able to be guided through They can be used to transmit information from one place to another
optical fibre
A glass thread that acts as a guide for lightwaves Fibres used in telecommunications usually have a cladding of glass of a lower refractive index In a communication system, several fibres are made up into a cable
optical fibre
Any filament or fibre made of dielectric materials, that is used to transmit laser or LED generated signals
optical fibre
A strand of hi-tech glass that carries signals in the form of laser light pulses An optical fibre pair can carry many thousands of telephone conversations simultaneously, or a mix of video and voice An optical fibre cable can contain hundreds of fibres
optical fibre
Very fine (hairsbreadth) strands of pure glass that carry light signals and can be used for very high capacity telecommunications links
optical fibre
Translucent fibre which can transmit beams of laser light Used for reliable high speed LANs and backbones
optical fibre
A cylindrical core of flexible transparent material surrounded by a tubular cladding of material with lower refractive index
optical fibre
A method of guiding light over long distances with very little reduction on strength (attenuation or loss) A central core of high-refractive index material - usually very pure glass - is covered with a cladding of lower refractive index material Modern fibres have loss in the order of 0 25 dB/km, so 1 km of fibre has less loss than a pair of ordinary spectacles or reading glasses
optical flint
optical glass of high dispersion and high refractive index
optical glass
Glass of extreme purity and with well-defined optical properties, which was originally created for making lenses and prisms
optical glass
An especially fine glass made under the most carefully controlled conditions there are many kinds, some with low index and high dispersion values and some with high index and low dispersion Good lenses or prisms are always made from optical glass
optical glass
High-quality, color-free glass having specific refractive qualities, used in lenses and other components of optical systems
optical glass
clear homogeneous glass of known refractive index; used to make lenses
optical illusion
an optical phenomenon that results in a false or deceptive visual impression
optical illusion
image that is deceiving to the eye
optical illusion
An optical illusion is something that tricks your eyes so that what you think you see is different from what is really there. Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion. A visually perceived image that is deceptive or misleading. a picture or image that tricks your eyes and makes you see something that is not actually there
optical instrument
an instrument designed to aid vision
optical maser
A laser, especially one that produces visible radiation
optical opacity
opacity to light
optical phenomenon
a physical phenomenon related to or involving light
optical pyrometer
a pyrometer that uses the color of the light emitted by a hot object
optical scanner
A device that optically scans characters or images and generates their digital representations
optical scanner
A device that converts printed images and text into digital information that can be stored as a computer file and processed by graphics software. Computer input device that uses a light beam to scan codes, text, or graphic images directly into a computer or computer system. Bar-code scanners are used widely at point-of-sale terminals in retail stores. A handheld scanner or bar-code pen is moved across the code, or the code itself is moved by hand across a scanner built into a checkout counter or other surface, and the computer stores or immediately processes the data in the bar code. After identifying the product through its bar code, the computer determines its price and feeds that information into the cash register. Optical scanners are also used in fax machines and to input graphic material directly into personal computers. See also OCR
optical scanner
A device that "reads" an image and converts it to digital form
optical scanner
Input device that translates human-readable or microform images to bit-mapped or rastered machine-readable data
optical scanner
A device that uses light to scan and convert text graphics or other images into digitized data that can be read by a computer
optical scanner
Often simply called a scanner, a device that reads images and text, allowing a user to input and utilise the data in various applications A scanner digitises the image This means it divides the entire image into tiny boxes and assigns a value to each isolated unit using 0s and 1s Essentially, this is what a bitmap is The scanned image, whether text or a graphic, therefore, becomes a bitmap Consequently, the scanned data cannot be directly altered unless optical character recognition technology is used
optical scanner
A device that automatically samples or verifies a number of measuring points and indicates those that have drifted from their desired values
optical scanner
A device that converts printed images and text into digital information that can be stored as a computer file and processed by computer software
optical scanner
translates a paper document into a computer image display on the monitor
optical scanner
A peripheral device that can read printed text or illustrations and translate them into a digitized image (bit map) that can be stored, displayed, and manipulated on a computer
optical scanner
n An input device that uses light–sensing equipment to scan paper or another medium, translating the pattern of light and dark or color into a digital signal that can be manipulated by either optical character recognition software or graphics software Scanners have different methods for holding the input medium, including flatbed, whereby the medium is held on a piece of glass; sheet–fed, whereby sheets of paper are pulled over a stationary scanning mechanism; handheld, whereby the user moves the device over the document to be scanned; and overhead, whereby the document is placed face up on a stationary bed below a small tower, which moves across the page
optical sight
viewfinder that contains mirrors and lenses
optical system
collection of items connected to the field of optics
optical telescope
an astronomical telescope designed to collect and record light from cosmic sources
optical tweezers
A technique that uses a single-beam laser directed through an objective lens to trap, image, and manipulate micron-sized particles in three dimensions
optical viewfinder
A viewfinder system that shows a similar view to that seen by the camera lens (as on 35mm compact cameras) Useful because it uses no power, but can cause parallax and focus errors
optical viewfinder
a viewfinder system that shows a similar view to that seen by the camera lens (as on 35mm compact camera) Useful because it uses no power, but can cause parallax and focus errors
optical viewfinder
The small window in the camera that you look through when taking a picture
optical viewfinder
A viewfinder system that shows a similar view to that seen by the camera lens ( as on 35mm compact cameras ) Useful because it uses no power, but can cause parallax and focus errors
optical viewfinder
An optical glass device on the digital camera which, when looked through, shows the image to be photographed The best digital cameras have both optical viewfinders and LCD monitors
Raman optical activity
The differential Raman scattering of left and right circularly polarized light by chiral molecules
extraordinary optical transmission
The transmission of light through metallic films perforated by nanohole arrays at optical frequencies
integrated optical circuit
A photonic device that integrates multiple information signals which are composed of light of various wavelengths
That does not involve vision

Schapiro elucidates the notion of a long concentrated vision by reference to a nonoptical experience.

That does not use optics
Of, or relating to the eye or to vision
A measuring device with a small window, attached to an upside-down bottle, used to dispense alcoholic drinks in a bar
A lens or other part of an optical instrument that interacts with light
pertaining to the eye or vision
{a} relating to optics or vision
{n} an organ, or instrument of or for sight
Magneto Optical Disk
storage medium which uses magnetic and optical methods to read and write data, MOD (Computers)
Synchronous Optical Network
(Internet) SONET, standard for synchronous data transfer through optical media (allows interconnection of different types of optical systems)
erasable optical disk drive
optical disk drive which can delete, optical disk drive which can erase
the organ of sight
An eye
The organ of sight; an eye
of Brain, and Eye
of or relating to or resembling the eye; "ocular muscles"; "an ocular organ"; "ocular diseases"; "the optic (or optical) axis of the eye"; "an ocular spot is a pigmented organ or part believed to be sensitive to light"
Optic means relating to the eyes or to sight. The reason for this is that the optic nerve is a part of the brain. see also optics. relating to the eyes (optique, from opticus, from , from optos )
An eyeglass
Of or pertaining to the eye; ocular; as, the optic nerves (the first pair of cranial nerves) which are distributed to the retina
Of or pertaining to vision or sight
having to so with the sense of sight
decoration that yields swirls or ripples that are made by forming the glass in a mold
Of, or relating to optics or optical instruments
relating to or using sight; "ocular inspection"; "an optical illusion"; "visual powers"; "visual navigation"
Type of antimicrobial agent made from a mold or a bacterium that kills, or slows the growth of other microbes, specifically bacteria Examples include penicillin and streptomycin
{i} eye, organ used for seeing; any lens in an optical device
Relating to the science of optics; as, optical works
{s} of vision; of the eye; of or pertaining to optical instrument
regarding or using optics
By optics or sight; with reference to optics
in an optical manner; "optically distorted
in an optical form; visually, in a visual form



    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈäptəkəl/ /ˈɑːptɪkəl/


    () optic +‎ -al


    ... Those fiber optic cables with optical amplifiers will last ...