only one game stood between him and victory

listen to the pronunciation of only one game stood between him and victory
English - German
Nur noch ein Spiel trennte ihn vom Sieg
only one game stood between him and victory


    on·ly one game stood be·tween him and Vic·to·ry

    Turkish pronunciation

    ōnli hwʌn geym stûd bitwin îm ınd vîktri


    /ˈōnlē ˈhwən ˈgām ˈsto͝od bēˈtwēn əm ənd ˈvəktrē/ /ˈoʊnliː ˈhwʌn ˈɡeɪm ˈstʊd biːˈtwiːn ɪm ənd ˈvɪktriː/