only, but

listen to the pronunciation of only, but
English - Turkish

Definition of only, but in English Turkish dictionary

not only but also
sadece değil aynı zamanda
not only but also
aynı zamanda da
not only but also
but only
aynı zamanda
not only ... but also
[not only ... (but) also] Used to say that two related things are true or happened, especially when this iş surprising or shocking:

1. Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books. 2. If this project fails it will affect not only our department, but als.

not only ... but also
Sadece ... değil, aynı zamanda
not only but also
Sadece ... değil, aynı zamanda
not only but also
[not only ... (but) also] Used to say that two related things are true or happened, especially when this iş surprising or shocking:

1. Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books. 2. If this project fails it will affect not only our department, but als.

Turkish - English

Definition of only, but in Turkish English dictionary

şu kadar ki only, but
(used to introduce a remark or a sentence)
only, but