one of the outer, protective

listen to the pronunciation of one of the outer, protective
English - Russian

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English Russian dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
один из

Один из котов чёрный, другой — коричневый. - One of the cats is black, the other is brown.

Один из близнецов жив, но второй умер. - One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead.

English - Dutch

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English Dutch dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
een van de

Parijs is een van de grootste steden van de wereld. - Paris is one of the biggest cities in the world.

Londen is een van de grootste steden van de wereld. - London is one of the largest cities in the world.

English - Swedish

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English Swedish dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
en av de
English - Danish

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English Danish dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
en af de

Må jeg besøge dig en af de kommende dage? - May I visit your home one of these days?

Automobilindustrien er en af de vigtigste industrier i Japan. - The automobile industry is one of the main industries in Japan.

English - Italian

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English Italian dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
uno degli

L'iridio è uno degli elementi più rari. - Iridium is one of the rarest elements.

Ieri ho incontrato uno degli attori più famosi al mondo. - Yesterday I met one of the most popular actors in the world.

English - German

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English German dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
einer der

Harajuku ist einer der meistbelebtesten Plätze Tokyos. - Harajuku is one of the hottest places in Tokyo.

Er ist einer der beliebtesten Schüler seiner Klasse. - He is one of the most popular students in the class.

English - Finnish

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English Finnish dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>

Dustin Moskovitz on juutalainen yrittäjä. Hän on yksi Facebookin perustajista. - Dustin Moskovitz is a Jewish entrepreneur. He is one of the co-founders of Facebook.

Cuzco on yksi maailman mielenkiintoisimmista paikoista. - Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world.

English - Lehçe

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English Lehçe dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
jednym z

Jednym z głównych problemów była żywność. - One of the main problems was food.

Jak dla mnie, Australia jest jednym z najlepszych krajów na świecie. - From my point of view, Australia is one of the best countries in the world.

English - Spanish

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English Spanish dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
uno de los

Uno de los botones de mi abrigo se salió. - One of the buttons has come off my coat.

Uno de los niños se dejó la puerta abierta. - One of the children left the door open.

English - Portuguese

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English Portuguese dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
um dos

É um dos maiores festivais de verão de música. - It is one of the biggest summer music festivals.

O estômago é um dos órgãos internos. - The stomach is one of the internal organs.

English - Greek
English - French

Definition of one of the outer, protective in English French dictionary

<span class="word-self">onespan> <span class="word-self">ofspan> <span class="word-self">thespan>
l'un des

Le Mali est l'un des pays les plus pauvres de l'Afrique subsaharienne. - Mali is one of the poorest countries in Subsaharan Africa.

Il est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs scientifiques du pays. - He is considered one of the greatest scientists in our country.

one of the outer, protective