one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac

listen to the pronunciation of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac
English - Russian

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Russian dictionary

one of the
один из

Один из котов чёрный, другой — коричневый. - One of the cats is black, the other is brown.

Один из студентов сегодня не пришёл. - One of the students didn't come today.

English - Dutch

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Dutch dictionary

one of the
een van de

Zij is één van de beste ballerina's ter wereld. - She is one of the best ballerinas in the world.

Parijs is een van de grootste steden van de wereld. - Paris is one of the biggest cities in the world.

English - Swedish

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Swedish dictionary

one of the
en av de
English - Danish

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Danish dictionary

one of the
en af de

Må jeg besøge dig en af de kommende dage? - May I visit your home one of these days?

New York er en af de største byer i verden. - New York is one of the largest cities in the world.

English - Italian

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Italian dictionary

one of the
uno degli

L'iridio è uno degli elementi più rari. - Iridium is one of the rarest elements.

Gabriele è solo uno degli angeli di Dio. - Gabriel is only one of the angels of God.

English - German

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English German dictionary

one of the
einer der

Er ist einer der beliebtesten Schüler seiner Klasse. - He is one of the most popular students in the class.

Er ist einer der namhaften Köpfe in unserem Land. - He is one of the best brains in our country.

English - Finnish

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Finnish dictionary

one of the

Yksi vastauksista on oikein. - One of the answers is correct.

Cuzco on yksi maailman mielenkiintoisimmista paikoista. - Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world.

English - Lehçe

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Lehçe dictionary

one of the
jednym z

Wzrok jest jednym z pięciu zmysłów. - Sight is one of the five senses.

Londyn jest jednym z największych miast na świecie. - London is one of the largest cities in the world.

English - Spanish

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Spanish dictionary

one of the
uno de los

Él es uno de los cantantes más famosos de Japón. - He is one of the most famous singers in Japan.

Uno de los botones de mi abrigo se salió. - One of the buttons has come off my coat.

English - Portuguese

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Portuguese dictionary

one of the
um dos

Na minha opinião a Austrália é um dos melhores países do mundo. - In my opinion, Australia is one of the best countries in the world.

É um dos maiores festivais de verão de música. - It is one of the biggest summer music festivals.

English - Greek

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English Greek dictionary

one of the
ένα από τα (ena apo ta)
English - French

Definition of one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac in English French dictionary

one of the
l'un des

La faim est l'un des plus sérieux problèmes qui soient. - Hunger is one of the strongest griefs.

C'est l'un des meilleurs cerveaux du pays. - He is one of the best brains in our country.

one of the first and largest electronic computers, eniac