on the way here

listen to the pronunciation of on the way here
English - Turkish

Definition of on the way here in English Turkish dictionary

on the way
(Askeri) atıldı!
on the way
(yolda) giderken
on the way
(Askeri) yolda!

Yolda birçok hayvan gördü. - She saw many animals on the way.

Bereket versin ki, yolda fırtınayla karşılaşmadılar. - Fortunately they had no storms on the way.

on the way
bitmek üzere
on the way
Olmak üzere
on the way
Gelmek üzere
on the way
(Askeri) ATILDI !: Ateş idare merkezinden veya bir gemiden, gözetleyiciye gönderilen ve birliğin ateş ettiğini bildiren haber. ONTOS (RIFLE, SELFPROPELLED, FULL-TRACKED, MULTIPLE 106 MM): ONTOS (106 MM. LİK KUNDAĞI MOTORLU, TAM TIRTILLI, ÇOK NAMLULU SİLAH: Kundağı motorlu, direkt atışlı bir tanksavar silahı. Silahları; altı adet 106 mm. lik tepkisiz top, bir adet 30 kalibrelik makinalı tüfek ve dört adet 50 kalibrelik atım kestirme silahıdır. M-50 olarak tanınır
English - English

Definition of on the way here in English English dictionary

on the way
coming, approaching

Don't panic! Reinforcements are on the way.

on the way
Whilst travelling

We gathered up what was left of the red deer after skinning and cleaning it, and set out upon our return journey toward the U-boat. On the way Olson, von Schoenvorts and I discussed the needs of our immediate future, and we were unanimous in placing foremost the necessity of a permanent camp on shore.

on the way
on a route to some place; "help is on the way"; "we saw him on the way to California"
on the way
on a route to some place; "help is on the way"; "we saw him on the way to California
on the way
soon to arrive
on the way here

    Turkish pronunciation

    ôn dhi wey hîr


    /ˈôn ᴛʜē ˈwā ˈhər/ /ˈɔːn ðiː ˈweɪ ˈhɪr/