on reasonable notice

listen to the pronunciation of on reasonable notice
English - English

Definition of on reasonable notice in English English dictionary

on notice
(deyim) When playing a best of game and one player is a single game or match away from losing they are said to be on notice
on notice
Having received notification. Once you are "on notice" you cannot claim that you were unaware of the matter. For example, when you receive a Court Summons, you are "on notice" that you must appear as ordered, and you can't plead ignorance

Once the allegation of potential sexual harassment is raised, all persons who have knowledge of the issue are on notice.

on reasonable notice


    on rea·son·a·ble no·tice

    Turkish pronunciation

    ôn riznıbıl nōtıs


    /ˈôn ˈrēznəbəl ˈnōtəs/ /ˈɔːn ˈriːznəbəl ˈnoʊtəs/