on his

listen to the pronunciation of on his
English - Turkish

Definition of on his in English Turkish dictionary

on me

Yanımda çok param yok. - I don't have much money on me.

Yanımdaki bütün parayı Tom'a verdim. - I gave Tom all the money I had on me.

on his own
kendi başına

Bob kendi başına bu çileyi aşmak zorundadır. - Bob has to get through this ordeal on his own.

Tom onu kendi başına yaptı. - Tom did it on his own.

on his own
kendi kendine kalmış
on his own
kendinden sorumlu
on it

Her gün onun üzerinde çalıştım. - I worked on it day after day.

Masada üzerinde üç kızarmış yumurta bulunan bir tabak vardı. - On the table, there was a plate with three fried eggs on it.

on me

beers on me - biralar benden.

on me
on that
bu konuda
on us
on his

    Turkish pronunciation

    ôn hîz


    /ˈôn həz/ /ˈɔːn hɪz/

    Common Collocations

    on his own


    ... production of oil and gas in the U.S. is up. But not due to his policies. In spite of his ...
    ... himself did not have a formal education.  He could not put into mathematical form his own ...