on a scale

listen to the pronunciation of on a scale
English - French
sur une échelle
English - Spanish
en una escala
English - Swedish
på en skala
English - Russian
по шкале
English - Dutch
op een schaal
English - Danish
på en skala
English - Italian
su una scala
English - Lehçe
w skali
English - Portuguese
em escala
English - Finnish
English - German
auf einer Skala
English - Greek
σε μια κλίμακα (se mia klimaka)
on a scale

    Turkish pronunciation

    ôn ı skeyl


    /ˈôn ə ˈskāl/ /ˈɔːn ə ˈskeɪl/


    [ 'on, 'än ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English an, on, preposition & adverb, from Old English; akin to Old High German ana on, Greek ana up, on.


    ... And because of the scale, even though these are small amounts ...
    ... rating scale across all Google Maps products, so if you ...