
listen to the pronunciation of official
English - Turkish

Bazı memurlara rüşvet verilmiş olabilir. - Some officials may have been corrupted.

Gümrük memurları kutuları inceledi. - The customs officials examined the boxes.


Onun resmî iş görevleri nelerdir? - What are his official job duties?

Resmî evrakları imzalayamadı. - He could not sign official papers.


O, bu kasabanın sakinleri tarafından bir yetkili seçildi. - He was elected an official by the inhabitants of this town.

Yetkililerin yasağı kaldırmasını rica etti. - He asked the officials to lift the ban.

(isim) memur
(Tıp) ofisiyal
resmi memur

Bir gümrük görevlisi, bavulumu açmamı istedi. - A customs official asked me to open my suitcase.

Tom bir kamu görevlisidir. - Tom is a public official.

(Spor) hakem
resmi yetkili
(Kanun) resmi sıfatı haiz
(Ticaret) memuriyetle ilgili
resmi görevli
Kurumsal, resmi

offical support for disabled students in METU.


Bazı memurlara rüşvet verilmiş olabilir. - Some officials may have been corrupted.

Devlet memurları bütün fabrikaları denetlediler. - Government officials inspected all factories.

(Tıp) Tıp heyeti tarafından tasdik ve kabul olunmuş (ilaç), officialis
memuriyete ait
{s} devlet

Devlet başkanına yalnızca yüksek memurlar ulaşabiliyordu. - Only high officials had access to the President.

Bu devlet memurları rüşvetçidir. - These government officials are corrupt.

officialdom memur sınıfı
memura yakışır
officialismmemur işi

Casusluk yapmakla ilgili resmen suçlanmadı. - He was never officially charged with spying.

Savaş resmen sona erdi. - The war was officially over.

official airline guide
(Havacılık) resmi havayolları kılavuzu
official announcement
(Ticaret) resmi duyuru
official ceremony
(Politika, Siyaset) resmi tören
official control
(Gıda) resmi kontrol
official dress
official ideology
resmi ideoloji
official journal
(Politika, Siyaset) resmi gazete
official post
official report
(Kanun) zabıt varakası
official reserves
(Ticaret) resmi rezervler
official translation
(Kanun) resmi tercüme
official web site
(Bilgisayar) resmi web sitesi
official act
resmi muamele
official business
resmi iş
official call
resmi görüşme
official exchange rate
resmi kur
official exchange rate
resmi döviz kuru
official gazette
resmi gazete
official holidays
resmi tatil günleri
official language
resmi dil
official permission
official rate
resmi kur
official report
official report
resmi rapor
official residence
devlet konutu
official strike
resmi grev
official trip
resmi amaçlı gezi
official building
Resmi bina
official camp site
Resmi kamp
official catalogue
resmi katalog
official copy
resmi kopya
official duties
resmi görevler
official finding
resmi bulma
official leave
resmi izin
official list
resmi liste
official nomination
(işyerinde) bir pozisyonun resmi bir şekilde bir kişiye atanması
official publication
resmi yayın
official rate of discount
resmi iskonto oranı
official seal
resmi mührünü
official secrets act
resmi sırları hareket
official selection
resmi seçim
official act
(Kanun) resmi işlem
official aid
resmi yardım
official auction
(Ticaret) resmi müzayede
official authorisation
(Politika, Siyaset) faaliyet izni
official authorities
(Avrupa Birliği) resmi makamlar
official authority
(Ticaret) resmi yetki
official authorization
izin oluru
official authorization
resmi yetki
official bank rate
(Ticaret) resmi faiz oranı
official bulletin
resmi bülten
official cars
resmi arabalar
official communication
(Mukavele) tebligat
official correspondence
(Askeri) RESMİ YAZIŞMA: Askeri iş ve meselelere ait resmi yazılar, resmi zarflar içinde gönderilir
official credit
(Askeri) RESMİ KREDİ: Bir sayman tediye subayı (accountable disbursing officer) namına, A. B. D. Hazine Genel Müdürü (The Treasurer of the United States) defterlerinde mevcut bulunan ve mezkur subay tarafından buna dayanılarak çek yazılabilen bir kredi
official credit
(Askeri) resmi kredi
official credit deposit
(Askeri) resmi kredi mevduatı
official credit deposit
(Askeri) RESMİ KREDİ MEVDUATI: Bir sayman tediye subayının A. B. D. Hazine Genel Müdürünün defterlerindeki kontrol hesabının bakiyesini artıran, fakat saymanlık yetkisini azaltmayan ve mali icmal raporunda görülmeyen bir mevduat
official creditor
(Ticaret) borç veren resmi kuruluş
official creditors
(Ticaret) kredi veren resmi kuruluşlar
official dealing
(Ticaret) resmi işlem
official dealings
(Ticaret) resmi işlemler
official denial
(Ticaret) resmi tekzip
official discourse
(Politika, Siyaset) devlet söylemi
official discourse
(Politika, Siyaset) resmi söylem
official duty
official emissary
(Politika, Siyaset) resmi temsilci
official emissary
(Politika, Siyaset) resmi elçi
official envelope
(Askeri) RESMİ ZARF: A. B. D. resmi evrakının ücretsiz olarak sevkine yarayan ve hususi yazışmalarda kullanılması yasaklanmış olan zarf. Buna (penalty envelope) da denir
official figure
resmi rakam
official foreigner
(Ticaret) resmi yabancı
official formality
resmi formalite
official information
(Askeri) RESMİ BİLGİ; RESMİ HABER: A. B. D. Hükümetinin malı olan, hükümet tarafından çıkarılan ve kontrolüne tabi olan bilgi veya haber
official interest rate
(Ticaret) resmi faiz oranı
official invitee
resmi davetli
official invitee list
resmi davetli listesi
official journal of the european communities
(Avrupa Birliği) (EUR-OP, OPOCE) Avrupa Toplulukları Resmi Gazetesi
official journal of the european communities
(Avrupa Birliği) (OPOCE) Avrupa Toplulukları Resmi Gazetesi
official minute book
kararname defteri
official minutes book
(Ticaret) resmi karar defteri
official notice
(Ticaret) resmi tebliğ
official oath
memuriyete giriş yemini
official oath
devlet memuriyeti yemini
official offer
resmi teklif
official operations
(Ticaret) resmi işlemler
official par value
(Ticaret) resmi par değer
official poverty line
(Ticaret) resmi yoksulluk sınırı
official power
(Ticaret) resmi yetki
official proceedings
(Ticaret) resmi işlemler
official receiver
(Ticaret) resmi tasfiye memuru
official regulations
resmi düzenlemeler
official relation
resmi görüşme
official relations
resmi ilişkiler
official report
official report
official representative
(Politika, Siyaset) resmi temsilci
official response
(Ticaret) resmi yanıt
official search
(Kanun) resmi inceleme
official secret
devlet sırrı
official sponsorship
(Ticaret) resmi sponsorluk
official training literature
(Askeri) RESMİ EĞİTİM YAYINLARI: Bu kategoriye giren gereçler, hepsi de Kara Ordusu dokümanları olarak yayınlanan sahra talimnameleri, teknik talimnameler, eğitim sirkülerleri, Yedek Subay Eğitim Teşkilatı Talimnameleri ve broşürlerdir
official transaction
(Ticaret) resmi muamele
official transactions
(Ticaret) resmi muameleler
official trip
resmi gezi
official writing
resmi yazı
make official
government official
devlet görevlisi
government official
hükümet yetkilisi
administrative official
resmi yönetim
certified official
yetkili memur
government official
hükümet görevlisi
resmi olarak

Tom hâlâ resmî olarak görevde. - Tom is still officially in charge.

Avustralya'ya seyahatim resmi olarak rezerve edildi. - My trip to Australia is officially booked.


Bazı memurlara rüşvet verilmiş olabilir. - Some officials may have been corrupted.

Devlet memurları bütün fabrikaları denetlediler. - Government officials inspected all factories.

public official
kamu görevlisi
quasi official
yarı resmi
correction official
Ceza evlerinde düzeni, tutukluların yasalara uygun biçimde davranmalarını sağlamakla görevli kimse, gardiyan
corrections official
Ceza evlerinde düzeni, tutukluların yasalara uygun biçimde davranmalarını sağlamakla görevli kimse, gardiyan
forgery of official document
Resmî evrakta sahtecilik, resmî belgede sahtecilik
fully official document
tamamen resmi bir belgedir
government official
devlet memuru
local official
Yerel yönetici
Resmî olarak, resmen
state official
devletin resmi
union official
Sendika memuru
according to official figures
resmi rakamlara göre
adopt an official manner
işi resmiyete dökmek
certified official
(Ticaret) yeminli memur
city official
belediye çalışanı
city official
devlet memuru
customs official
gümrük memuru
deceiving official authorities
(Kanun) resmi mercileri iğfal
directory maintenance official
(Askeri) resmi bakım başkanlığı
finance official
for official use only
(Askeri) resmi hizmete mahsustur
government official

Siyasetçi devlet memurlarının yolsuzluğunu kınayarak reformu ısrarla istedi. - The politician pushed for reform by denouncing the corruption of the government officials.

Devlet memurları bütün fabrikaları denetlediler. - Government officials inspected all factories.

municipal official
(Politika, Siyaset) belediye çalışanı
z. resmen
railway official
(Ticaret) demiryolu memuru
senior contracting official; state coordinating officer
(Askeri) üst sözleşme yetkilisi; durum koordinasyon subayı
senior information resources management official
(Askeri) kıdemli bilgi kaynakları yönetim yetkilisi
senior official
üst düzey yetkili
through official channels
resmi kanallardan
you have to make an official report
resmi rapor tutturmanız gerekiyor
English - English
Approved by authority; authorized
Discharging an office or function
sanctioned by the pharmacopoeia; appointed to be used in medicine; officinal

an official drug or preparation.

Derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority; made or communicated by virtue of authority

an official statement or report.

A person responsible for applying the rules of a game or sport in a competition
Of or pertaining to an office or public trust

official duties.

An office holder invested with powers and authorities
Relating to an ecclesiastical judge appointed by a bishop, chapter, archdeacon, etc., with charge of the spiritual jurisdiction
Relating to an office; especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant
{a} relating to an office, conducive
{n} an officer in an ecclesiastical court
An administrator who follows the race in a motorboat to ensure that all boats stay in their designated lanes
The person at the guarantor with the responsibility for initiating an Action under the Limitation, Suspension, or Termination procedures
Derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority; made or communicated by virtue of authority; as, an official statement or report
verified officially; "the election returns are now official"
under the Code, an official means a designated forest, environment or energy and mines official
Related to the Federal Government OFFSET - A printing method in which the design is transferred by ink from the image to another surface and then applied ot the paper ON PIECE - A stamp will is attached to an original piece of paper, envelope, postcard, etc Thanks to Sung-Won Kim for suggesting this term
An official at a sports event is a referee, umpire, or other person who checks that the players follow the rules. someone who is in a position of authority in an organization
A person who supervises the play of a game or contest and administers the rules; a referee, an umpire
Approved by authority; sanctioned by the pharmacopoeia; appointed to be used in medicine; as, an official drug or preparation. See officinal
A person who administers the rules of the game of gridiron on the field
having official authority or sanction; "official permission"; "an official representative"
One who supervises the game and interprets the rules
a worker who holds or is invested with an office having official authority or sanction; "official permission"; "an official representative"
Of or pertaining to an office or public trust; as, official duties, or routine
conforming to set usage, procedure, or discipline; "in prescribed order"
Embassies'); document write(' Legalization'); document write(' Journalists'); document write(' Tourist Boards'); document write(' Complaints'); //-->
A judge on the deck of the pool Various judges watch the swimmer's strokes, turns and finishes or are timers Top
{s} formal, ceremonious; issued authoritatively; authorized; holding an office; of or relating to an office or position
{i} officer; one who holds public office
Approved by authority; sanctioned by the pharmacopœia; appointed to be used in medicine; as, an official drug or preparation
of or relating to an office; "official privileges"
someone who administers the rules of a game or sport; "the golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling"
with charge of the spiritual jurisdiction
Official activities are carried out by a person in authority as part of their job. The President is in Brazil for an official two-day visit. private
Official business relates to the business of the P&C rather than to private business for an individual Private and official business must never be mixed
An item, statement, slogan, etc that is approved or sanctioned by a political party, candidate, or committee for use in support of a candidate's campaign
The umpire or referee responsible for ensuring the game is played according to the rules
The term used to describe any NSRA official
An official is a person who holds a position of authority in an organization. A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month
authorized, as in: Later this afternoon the mayor will present an official statement
a subordinate executive officer or attendant
(of a church) given official status as a national or state institution conforming to set usage, procedure, or discipline; "in prescribed order"
someone who administers the rules of a game or sport; "the golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling" a worker who holds or is invested with an office having official authority or sanction; "official permission"; "an official representative" verified officially; "the election returns are now official" (of a church) given official status as a national or state institution conforming to set usage, procedure, or discipline; "in prescribed order" of or relating to an office; "official privileges
Stamp or stationery issued solely for the use of government departments and officials In many countries such items may be available to collectors in unused condition from the postal authority
One who holds an office; esp
An employee of the public authorities who acts in an official capacity and with certain powers and authorities
(of a church) given official status as a national or state institution
Official means approved by the government or by someone in authority. According to the official figures, over one thousand people died during the revolution A report in the official police newspaper gave no reason for the move. unofficial + officially of·fi·cial·ly The nine-year civil war is officially over
of or relating to an office; "official privileges
An ecclesiastical judge appointed by a bishop, chapter, archdeacon, etc
A judge on the deck of the pool Various judges watch the swimmer's strokes, turns and finishes or are timers
a worker who holds or is invested with an office
One of a number of certified, adult volunteers who govern and work the many facets of a swim competition
Official things are used by a person in authority as part of their job. the official residence of the Head of State
If you describe someone's explanation or reason for something as the official explanation, you are suggesting that it is probably not true, but is used because the real explanation is embarrassing. The official reason given for the President's absence was sickness. + officially of·fi·cial·ly Officially, the guard was to protect us. In fact, they were there to report on our movements
A stamp used on mail sent out by a government, with some indication printed on it or punched into it to show government use Canada issued official stamps from 1939 to 1963 (more information on Perforated Official and Overprinted Official stamps)
Official IRA
One of the two groups formed following a split in the IRA in 1969, advocating a united socialist Ireland but opposed to the use of violence or terrorism
official at-bat
A completed batting opportunity that did not result in a base on balls, hit-by-pitch, sacrifice fly or sacrifice bunt, or interference or obstruction. (MLB Rules, 10.02(a)(1))

A player's batting average is his hits divided by his official at-bats.

official at-bats
plural form of official at-bat
official cover
a cover which is a position at a governmental agency (ex. posing as a member of the diplomatic service)
Official Birthday
the day when the British Queen or King's birthday is officially celebrated, especially with the ceremony of Trooping the Colour in London. It is not the same as the Queen or King's own personal birthday, and it is always on the second Saturday of June
Official Development Assistance
{i} ODA, financial flows provided by governments or aid agencies to developing and underprivileged countries or regionsat no cost or at rates below market rate
Official Secrets Act
a UK law by which people who work for the government are not allowed to discuss their work with people who do not work for the government or to make known information which should be kept secret. Government workers must 'sign the Official Secrets Act' (=agree to obey this law) , and they can be put in prison if they break this agreement
official announcement
formal announcement
official apartment
apartment given to an office holder for the length of his service
official certificate
certificate authorized by a recognized authority, document issued by a government office
official communique
official message
official confirmation
confirmation authorized by a recognized authority, certificate that is signed and in order, document written by the parties involved
official copy
duplicate which is certified as an exact copy of the original
official declaration
declaration authorized by the government, statement authorized by a recognized authority
official delegation
representation from the ruling authorities, representation that is composed of people who hold various official positions
official document
document issued by a government office
official exchange rate
rate of exchange that is determined and authorized by the government
official gazette
official newspaper
official immunity
personal immunity accorded to a public official from liability to anyone injured by actions that are the consequence of exercing official authority
official inquiry
government backed investigation
official nomination
formal assigning of a position to a particular person
official position
official opinion, official attitude
official publication
official newspaper, government-approved publication
official receiver
someone whose job is to take care of the financial affairs of a company or a person that is bankrupt
official receiver
government representative whose job is to confiscate property in bankruptcy cases and turn it over to creditors
official reception
state reception, magnificent and formal reception
official residence
place where one officially lives
official statement
A document prepared for a new municipal issue by or for the issuer It describes the issue, financial details about the issuer and other relevant facts
official statement
A statement published by an issuer of a new municipal security describing itself and the issue
official statement
~ The only document held out as containing all pertinent facts and details of a new issue of bonds A copy of the Official Statement must be sent to all purchasers of new municipal bond issues Until all details of a new issue are set a Preliminary Official Statement, or Red Herring, is printed and distributed to potential investors
official statement
A document prepared by the issuer or the underlying borrower containing detailed information about the security being offered, the issuer, the obligor and the security pledge for payment of the issue It is similar to a prospectus in a corporate transaction
official statement
Document prepared by or for the issuer that gives in detail the security and financial information about the issue
official statement
~ The only document held out as containing all pertinent facts and details of a new issue of bonds A copy of the Official Statement must be sent to all purchasers of new municipal bond issues Until all details of a new issue are set a Preliminary Official Statement, or Red Herring, is printed and distributed to potential investors
official statement
A document published by a bond issuer which generally discloses material information on a new issue of municipal securities including the purposes of the issue, how the securities will be repaid, and the financial, economic, and social characteristics of the issuer Investors may use this information to evaluate the credit of the securities
official statement
Document prepared by or for the issuer that gives in detail security and financial information about the issue
federal official
An individual who is employed by or represents any department or agency of the United States Government

Jim was considered a federal official because he was employed by the U.S. Department of Justice.

fourth official
The official who keeps things at the dugout in order, and displays substitutions and the amount of injury time
non-official cover
a cover which is not a position at a governmental agency (ex. posing as a worker for a humanitarian group)
Describing something, like a policy or opinion, which has some but not all of the authority of an official body. Such is thus probably correct but the body can change its mind (opinion or policy) without contradicting itself
an official
{a} by way of office, from authority
correction official
A prison officer
correction official
A correction officer, correction official, corrections officer, corrections official, prison officer, detention officer, prison guard or prison warder is a person charged with the responsibility of the supervision, safety and security of prisoners in a prison or jail
corrections official
A prison officer
corrections official
A correction officer, correction official, corrections officer, corrections official, prison officer, detention officer, prison guard or prison warder is a person charged with the responsibility of the supervision, safety and security of prisoners in a prison or jail
vScholar-bureaucrats or scholar-officials were civil servants appointed by the emperor of China to perform day-to-day governance during the Song Dynasty through the Qing Dynasty. These officials mostly came from the well-educated men known as the scholar-gentry. These men had earned academic degrees (such as xiucai, juren, or jinshi) by passing rigorous civil service examinations. The scholar-bureaucrats were schooled in calligraphy and Confucian texts. They dominated the politics of China at the time
building official
The official authorized to act in behalf of a jurisdiction code enforcement agency or its authorized representative
building official
The officer or other authority which has the duty of administration and enforcement of a building code
building official
The municipal official responsible for enforcement and interpretation of the building code
city official
municipal worker; civil servant
civil official
civil servant, employee of the civil service
elected official
official who won the office in a free election
football official
an official who enforces the rules at a football game
fourth official
In football, the fourth official is an official who assists the referee and assistant referees from the side of the pitch
government official
employee of the government
high level official
office bearer or functionary of a high rank
high-ranking official
office bearer or functionary of a high rank, high level official
law enforcement official
person responsible for ensuring that citizens obey the laws (i.e. a police officer)
low-level official
low ranking government worker
lower level official
low ranking government worker
formally, ceremoniously
with official authorization; "the club will be formally recognized"
By the proper officer; by virtue of the proper authority; in pursuance of the special powers vested in an officer or office; as, accounts or reports officially verified or rendered; letters officially communicated; persons officially notified
in an official role; "officially, he is in charge"; "officially responsible"
in an official role; "officially, he is in charge"; "officially responsible
in an official manner
two referees and two linesmen on the ice calling infractions and handing out penalties plus several off-ice officials including two goal judges, the game timekeeper, the penalty timekeeper, the official scorer, the statistician and the video goal judge
The Marker and the Referee
The referee and two linesmen who work together to ensure that rules are followed
the referee and 2 linesmen who work together to make sure the game is played according to the rules of soccer; responsible for stopping and restarting play, keeping track of the score and the time remaining and citing violations of the rules, called fouls; they wear uniforms that distinguish them from the players on both teams
There are as many as eight officials working a hockey game: one referee and two linesmen, known as on-ice officials, plus two goal judges, a game timekeeper, a penalty time keeper, and an official scorer, who are known as off-ice officials
The referees who administer the game They include the referee, two assistant referees, and a fourth official on the sidelines
Administrators of results
including two goal judges, the game timekeeper, the penalty timekeeper and the official scorer
the crew chief, referee and umpire who control the game, stop and start play, and impose penalties for violations and fouls
plural of official
received official authorization
received official certification, was validated, was officially put into effect
the official announcement gazette
collections of official advertisements from the state of Israel
was published in the official gazette
was printed in the gazette, was mentioned in the official anthology of the government