observing that progress has indeed been made

listen to the pronunciation of observing that progress has indeed been made
English - German
wobei wir feststellen konnten, dass tatsächlich Fortschritte erzielt wurden
observing that progress has indeed been made


    ob·ser·ving that prog·ress has in·deed been made

    Turkish pronunciation

    ıbzırvîng dhıt prōgres hız îndid bın meyd


    /əbˈzərvəɴɢ ᴛʜət prōˈgres həz ənˈdēd bən ˈmād/ /əbˈzɜrvɪŋ ðət proʊˈɡrɛs həz ɪnˈdiːd bən ˈmeɪd/