Asal sayılar hayata benzer, onlar tamamen mantıksaldır fakat, eğer tüm zamanınızı onun hakkında düşünmek için harcarsanız kurallarının bulunması imkânsızdır.
- Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.
Tom'un kafası sayılara iyi çalışıyor.
- Tom has a good head for numbers.
Telefon numaralarımızı değiştik.
- We exchanged phone numbers.
Toplantı sonunda telefon numaralarını değiştirdik.
- We exchanged phone numbers at the end of the gathering.
Tom'un bilgisayarı çöktü ve o bir miktar önemli belgeleri kaybetti.
- Tom's computer crashed and he lost a number of important documents.
Bir insan vücudu sayısız miktarda hücreden oluşur.
- A human body consists of a countless number of cells.
Yedinin şanslı bir rakam olduğu söylenir.
- Seven is said to be a lucky number.
Dört Japonya'da şanssız bir rakamdır.
- Four is an unlucky number in Japan.
Telefon numarasını not ettin mi?
- Did you write down the telephone number?
Telefon numaranı biliyor mu?
- Does she know your phone number?
20. yüzyılın ortalarından beri Pekin'de su kuyusu sayısı önemli ölçüde düşmüş ve yeni yol ve binalar için bir yol yapmak için yıkılmışlardır.
- Since the mid-20th century, the number of hutongs in Beijing has dropped dramatically as they are demolished to make way for new roads and buildings.
2010 sayısında iki tane sıfır vardır.
- There are two zeros in the number 2010.
Bazı ülkeler bin yıllık dönemi saymak için sıra numaralarını kullanırken, diğerleri asıl sayıları kullanarak sayarlar.
- Some countries use ordinal numbers to count millennia, whereas others count them using cardinal numbers.
Asal sayılar sadece birle ve kendileri ile bölünebilir.
- Prime numbers are divisible only by one and themselves.
Asal sayılar kümesi sayılabilir.
- The set of prime numbers is countable.
Öğrencilerin toplam sayısı nedir?
- What is the total number of students?
Sayıları toplamak çok mutlu edicidir.
- Adding up numbers is very uplifting.
Birkaç öğrenci yarışmaya katılmaktan mutlu olacağını söyledi.
- A number of students said they would be happy to take part in the contest.
For in the book of Numbers is it writ, when the man dies, let the inheritance descend unto the daughter.
The factors of 220, excluding 220 itself, are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55 and 110 and sum to 284; the factors of 284, excluding 284 itself, are 1, 2, 4, 71, and 142, and sum to 220; hence 220 and 284 are amicable numbers.
Before you buy a car, spend some time crunching numbers and make sure you can afford it.
n∈ℕ⇒ succ(n)∈ℕ.
Number the baskets so that we can find them easily.
The equation e^{i\pi}+1=0 includes the most important numbers: 1, 0, \pi, i, and e.
I doubt the sexy number you wore earlier tonight fell from the sky..
Griefe brought to numbers cannot be so fierce, / For, he tames it, that fetters it in verse.
His army is vast in number.
Back at his place again, Doc rolled a number, put on a late movie, found an old T-shirt, and sat tearing it up into short strips .
He had to focus on the mission, staying alive and getting out, not on the sexy number rubbing up against him.
Horse number 5 won the race.
When I agreed to go surfing with him he said, “Great, can I have your number?” Well, I don’t give my number to guys I don’t know.
I don’t know how many books are in the library, but they must number in the thousands.
The number 8 is usually made with a single stroke.
This is not a cookbook full of passive recipes, nor is it a paint-by-numbers approach to teaching. Instead, it provides the fresh clay, the carving tools, and the spirited inspiration to form the clay to match our intent.
The numbers in the sequence are sociable numbers.
... made to work, because those numbers might also be poetry or something. Like, it just ...
... It's on a website. You can look at all the numbers, what cuts we make and what revenue ...