any of various marine gastropods of the suborder Nudibranchia having a shell-less and often beautifully colored body
A sea slug; member of a group of snails without shells that breathe through long, feathery gills on their backs
or sea slug Any marine gastropod in the order Nudibranchia. Most nudibranchs lack a shell, mantle cavity (see mollusk), and gills, and breathe through the body surface. The delicately colored body, up to 16 in. (43 cm) long, has bizarre defensive outgrowths, called cerata, that discharge nematocysts ingested from cnidarian prey. Antennalike organs arise from the head. Nudibranchs occur in shallow waters of all oceans, where they feed chiefly on other invertebrates, particularly sea anemones. Some species can swim; others are bottom creepers. The term sea slug sometimes refers to all members of the subclass Opisthobranchia
() Circa 19th Century, from Latin nudus (naked) + branche, from Latin branchia (gills).