not touch

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Definition of not touch in English English dictionary

not touch something with a ten foot pole
To avoid something at all costs; to refuse to associate with something; signifies a strong aversion

Serious actors of the world wouldn't touch the part with a ten-foot pole.

not touch something with a ten foot pole
To be unable (perhaps figuratively) to approach something or someone

the stock's gone up from nothin' out o' sight. You couldn't tech that stock with a ten-foot pole!.

not to touch something with a ten-foot pole
(deyim) Consider something completely undesirable or uninteresting. "Some people won't touch spinach with a ten-foot pole."; "Kids who wouldn't touch an encyclopedia with a ten-foot pole love to find information with this computer program."
do not touch
do not handle, stay off, hands off
please do not touch
sign requesting visitors (in a museum, etc.) to keep their hands away from the objects
Mediterranean vine having oblong fruit that when ripe expels its seeds and juice violently when touched
North American annual plant with usually yellow or orange flowers; grows chiefly on wet rather acid soil
prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia; heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft gray-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled
Either of two North American impatiens, also known as jewelweed or snapweed, growing in moist areas. Impatiens capensis, also called I. biflora, typically has crimson-spotted orange flowers; I. pallida has yellow to white flowers, sometimes spotted with brownish-red. They are common weeds native to extensive regions of eastern North America. Their juice is said to be a remedy for poison-ivy rashes
plant that constricts when touched
not touch