not obliged to

listen to the pronunciation of not obliged to
English - Greek

Definition of not obliged to in English Greek dictionary

not to
να μην (na min)
not to
όχι (ohi)
English - Finnish

Definition of not obliged to in English Finnish dictionary

not to
English - Lehçe

Definition of not obliged to in English Lehçe dictionary

not to

Powiedział, by na niego nie czekać. - He told me not to wait for him.

Mamy zasadę, że nie ujawniamy danych osobowych. - It is our policy not to give out personal information.

English - Swedish

Definition of not obliged to in English Swedish dictionary

not to
English - Russian

Definition of not obliged to in English Russian dictionary

not to

Вяленая рыба мне не по вкусу. - Dried fish is not to my taste.

Я постараюсь не мешать тебе учиться. - I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.

English - Portuguese

Definition of not obliged to in English Portuguese dictionary

not to

Ele já esteve em Portugal, para não mencionar também a Espanha. - He has been to Portugal, not to mention Spain.

É rude da parte dele não me ligar. - It is rude of him not to give me a call.

English - French

Definition of not obliged to in English French dictionary

not to
de ne pas

C'est mieux pour vous de ne pas voir mon grand-père. - It's better for you not to see my grandpa.

Je me suis fait une règle de ne pas manger trop, car il est évident que trop manger est mauvais pour la santé. - I make it a rule not to eat too much, for it is plain that overeating is bad for the health.

English - German

Definition of not obliged to in English German dictionary

not to
nicht zu

Er ist nicht zu arm, um ein Fahrrad zu kaufen. - He is not too poor to buy a bicycle.

Ich beeilte mich, um den Zug nicht zu verpassen. - I hurried so as not to miss the train.

English - Spanish

Definition of not obliged to in English Spanish dictionary

not to
English - Danish

Definition of not obliged to in English Danish dictionary

not to
ikke at

Det gjorde mig næsten bange ikke at se dig online i en hel dag. - It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.

Jeg besluttede, ikke at tage til Europa. - I decided not to go to Europe.

English - Dutch

Definition of not obliged to in English Dutch dictionary

not to
niet te

Ik zal proberen je niet te storen bij het leren. - I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.

Hij haastte zich om de trein niet te missen. - He hurried so as not to miss the train.

English - Chinese
not obliged to


    not o·bliged to

    Turkish pronunciation

    nät ıblaycd tı


    /ˈnät əˈblīʤd tə/ /ˈnɑːt əˈblaɪʤd tə/