not for profit

listen to the pronunciation of not for profit
English - Turkish
English - English
{s} nonprofit
not meant to make a profit
A company or organization that is not meant to make a profit
A special kind of corporation dedicated to education or charity, whose stockholders give up all financial benefits
An organization established for charitable, humanitarian, or educational purposes that is exempt from some taxes and in which no one in profits or losses
An organization established for charitable, humanitarian, or educational purposes that is free of some taxes and in which no one shares in profits or losses
not for profit


    not for prof·it

    Turkish pronunciation

    nät fôr präfıt


    /ˈnät ˈfôr ˈpräfət/ /ˈnɑːt ˈfɔːr ˈprɑːfət/


    ... was exported out as a not-for-profit. ...