not conform to

listen to the pronunciation of not conform to
English - Greek

Definition of not conform to in English Greek dictionary

not to
να μην (na min)
not to
όχι (ohi)
English - Finnish

Definition of not conform to in English Finnish dictionary

not to
English - Lehçe

Definition of not conform to in English Lehçe dictionary

not to

Nauczyciel powiedział chłopcu, by nie hałasował. - The teacher told the boy not to make noise.

Mamy zasadę, że nie ujawniamy danych osobowych. - It is our policy not to give out personal information.

English - Swedish

Definition of not conform to in English Swedish dictionary

not to
English - Russian

Definition of not conform to in English Russian dictionary

not to

Вяленая рыба мне не по вкусу. - Dried fish is not to my taste.

Я испытываю страх, если не вижу тебя в онлайне в течение всего дня. - It scares me not to see you online the entire day.

English - Portuguese

Definition of not conform to in English Portuguese dictionary

not to

Ela o aconselhou a não comer muito. - She advised him not to eat too much.

Ele já esteve em Portugal, para não mencionar também a Espanha. - He has been to Portugal, not to mention Spain.

English - French

Definition of not conform to in English French dictionary

not to
de ne pas

Je pense que c'est mieux de ne pas être impoli. - I think it is best not to be impolite.

Ça m'a presque fait peur de ne pas te voir connectée pendant toute une journée. - It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.

English - German

Definition of not conform to in English German dictionary

not to
nicht zu

Was hältst du von einer Tasse Tee? Das heißt, wenn du nicht zu beschäftigt bist. - What would you say to a cup of tea? That is, if you're not too busy.

Er ist nicht zu arm, um ein Fahrrad zu kaufen. - He is not too poor to buy a bicycle.

English - Spanish

Definition of not conform to in English Spanish dictionary

not to
English - Danish

Definition of not conform to in English Danish dictionary

not to
ikke at

At være eller ikke at være, det er spørgsmålet. - To be or not to be, that is the question.

Det gjorde mig næsten bange ikke at se dig online i en hel dag. - It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.

English - Dutch

Definition of not conform to in English Dutch dictionary

not to
niet te

Hij haastte zich om de trein niet te missen. - He hurried so as not to miss the train.

Er zijn veel goede redenen om het niet te doen. - There are many good reasons not to do it.

English - Chinese
not conform to


    not con·form to

    Turkish pronunciation

    nät kınfôrm tı


    /ˈnät kənˈfôrm tə/ /ˈnɑːt kənˈfɔːrm tə/