normal dışı seyir gösteren, hastalık işareti olan, marazi, patolojik

listen to the pronunciation of normal dışı seyir gösteren, hastalık işareti olan, marazi, patolojik
Turkish - English
(Tıp) pathological
Having properties which are counterintuitive or difficult to handle
Having properties that cause unusually bad behaviour, especially regarding correctness or performance
Pertaining to pathology
Relating to or caused by a physical or mental disorder
Due to, or related to, disease
caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition; "a pathological liar"; "a pathological urge to succeed" of or relating to the practice of pathology; "pathological laboratory
Of or pertaining to pathology
Morbid; due to disease; abnormal; as, pathological tissue; a pathological condition
caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition; "a pathological liar"; "a pathological urge to succeed"
of or relating to the practice of pathology; "pathological laboratory
of or relating to the practice of pathology; "pathological laboratory"
Pathological means relating to pathology or illness. pathological conditions in animals
{s} of pathology, of the study of diseases; sickly, ill
caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology; "diseased tonsils"; "a morbid growth"; "pathologic tissue"; "pathological bodily processes"
Indicative of or caused by a disease or condition
You describe a person or their behaviour as pathological when they behave in an extreme and unacceptable way, and have very powerful feelings which they cannot control. He's a pathological liar. a pathological fear of snakes
normal dışı seyir gösteren, hastalık işareti olan, marazi, patolojik


    nor·mal dı·şı se·yir gös·te·ren, has·ta·lık i·şa·re·ti o·lan, ma·ra·zi, pa·to·lo·jik

