Birisi bizim hakkımızda öğrendi mi? - Qualcuno ha saputo di noi?
Neden İtalya'dasınız? - Biz İtalyanca öğrenmek için İtalya'da bulunuyoruz. - Perché siete in Italia? — Noi siamo in Italia per imparare la lingua italiana.
- Notice of Intent outlining significant impacts from an Environmental Assessment is posted in the Federal Register requiring an Environmental Impact Statement to be prepared
Often the predecessor to an FCC rulemaking, the NOI takes public comment on a general topic For instance, an NOI would ask "Do interconnection rates need regulation?" The subsequent proposed rulemaking, if any, would offer a specific regulatory scheme and again be put to public comment
The actual or anticipated income remaining during a year, after operating expenses has been deducted from effective gross income (but before any deductions for debt service payment or income taxes)
Notice of Intent, part of the NEPA process A notice placed in the Federal Register to advise the public that an environmental impact statement will be prepared for a project