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English - Turkish

Definition of nodes in English Turkish dictionary


Şişmiş lenf düğümleri genellikle enfeksiyon, tümör ya da iltihap barındıran bölgelerin civarında olur. - Swollen lymph nodes are usually found near the site of an infection, tumour, or inflammation.

nodes of ranvier
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ranvier düğümleri
titreşim halinde bulunan bir ip veya telin hareketsiz noktalarından her biri
(Askeri) DÜĞÜM NOKTASI: Bir hareket ihtiyacının kaynaklandığı, ileri hareket için işleme tabi tutulduğu veya sınırlandırıldığı bir seferberlik sistemindeki bir mevki. Ayrıca bakınız: "nodal point"
romatizmadan meydana gelen katılık
child nodes
(Bilgisayar) alt düğümler
line of nodes
(Astronomi) düğümler çizgisi
neck lymph nodes
(Tıp) boyun lenf bezleri
(Askeri) duran dalga profilinde
boğum noktası
devre düğümü
(Bilgisayar) devre
sibling nodes
kardeş düğümler
condition of having many nodes
birçok düğüm olan durumu
enlarged lymph nodes
lenf nodu
swollen lymph nodes
şişmiş lenf düğümleri
whatever lies between two nodes
her ikisi arasındaki düğüm yatıyor
heberden's nodes
(Tıp) Birçok artrit çeşidinde, son falangeal eklemlerde meydana gelen küçük kemiksi şişlikler
internet nodes
(Bilgisayar) internet düğümleri
lymph nodes
lenf düğümleri

Şişmiş lenf düğümleri genellikle enfeksiyon, tümör ya da iltihap barındıran bölgelerin civarında olur. - Swollen lymph nodes are usually found near the site of an infection, tumour, or inflammation.

my lymph nodes are swollen
lenf bezlerim şişti

Şişmiş lenf düğümleri genellikle enfeksiyon, tümör ya da iltihap barındıran bölgelerin civarında olur. - Swollen lymph nodes are usually found near the site of an infection, tumour, or inflammation.

{i} bezecik
{i} yumru
{i} (Botanik) düğüm, nod
bir gökcismi yörüngesinin ekliptiği kestiği noktaların her biri
{i} (Tıp) nod, yumru, şiş
{i} (Bilgisayar) düğüm
{i} fiz. boğum
{i} boğum
parrot's nodes
(Tıp) Konjenital sifilizde, frontal kemiklerin şişkin durumda olması
sibling nodes
kardes du¤umler
switching nodes
anahtarlama nodları
Turkish - Turkish

Definition of nodes in Turkish Turkish dictionary

Bilgisayar ağına bağlı ve adresi verilerek erişilebilen cihazlara verilen isim
English - English
Another name for client host See Client
Common term for the components that make up a distributed-memory parallel machine Each node has its own memory and at least one processor; that is, a node can be a uniprocessor or some type of multiprocessor
– a point of zero vibrational amplitude
The nodes are the points where the path of the moon on the celestial sphere crosses the ecliptic
plural of node
Computers on networks
Nodes are information units within a multimedia system
An orbit lies in a plane The plane of the sky is normal to the line of sight, and passes through the center of mass of the system The intersection of the plane of the orbit with the plane of the sky is the line of nodes The nodes are the two intersections of the line opf nodes with the orbit The ascending node is the node at which the star is approaching the observer; the descending node is the node at which the star is receding from the observer
Nodes or anchor points are the fundemental in path editing Get to know the various types of nodes including symmetrical, smooth, cusp and tangent nodes
growing points, on stem, from which leaves grow
A point along the stem of a plant at which leaves are attached
individual computers connected to a network
A region of a standing wave or interference pattern where the waves are always destructively interfering with each other Click for a graphic and/or compare to the movie Back to Top Back to Wave Index
Points or lines that do not move when a body vibrates in one of its modes
points where a satellite's orbit crosses the plane of the Earth's equator
The "valleys" in a standing wave pattern, where pressure or displacement is minimum
Nodes are points at which links terminate Links may terminate at destinations or at intersections with other links
Are temporary displays of indicators at edges of the selected surface The nodes mark the beginning and end of each of the individual edge lines that make up one or more closed loops The nodes and lines are displayed in the GRIPCOLOR Indicators are displayed on both the base and the face edges The indicators disappear when the display is redrawn
A device connected to the network which can be addressed by other nodes
The point in the zodiac where a planet passes from southern into northern lattitude is called the North Node and vice versa The motion of the Moon's Node is retrograde, about 3' per day (see Dragon's Head) The north node is called the ascending, the south the descending node Neither the Sun nor the Earth have nodes
Nodes are the intelligent devices on a network This would include, but not be limited to, all computers on the network
Connecting points on a network
Slight enlargements occurring at more or less regular intervals along the length of vine shoots and canes One leaf develops at each of these nodes and a new bud forms in the axil at the node also
The imaginary points at which the orbital path of the Moon or other celestial body crosses the ecliptic
the individuals in a person's social network
Devices on a network that demand or supply services or where transmission paths are connected Node is often used instead of workstation
nodes of Ranvier
plural form of node of Ranvier
Osler nodes
plural form of Osler node
line of nodes
The intersection of an orbiting object's orbital plane with the plane of reference
lymph nodes
plural form of lymph node
lymphatic nodes
plural form of lymphatic node
A vertex or a leaf in a graph of a network, or other element in a data structure
The knot, intrigue, or plot of a piece
A hard concretion or incrustation which forms upon bones attacked with rheumatism, gout, or syphilis; sometimes also, a swelling in the neighborhood of a joint
A swelling
A knot, a knob; a protuberance; a swelling
The point at which the lines of a funicular machine meet from different angular directions; -- called also knot
A hole in the gnomon of a dial, through which passes the ray of light which marks the hour of the day, the parallels of the sun's declination, his place in the ecliptic, etc
The point where the orbit of a planet, as viewed from the sun, intersects the ecliptic. The ascending and descending nodes refer respectively to the points where the planet moves from S to N and N to S. The respective symbols are ☊ and ☋
One of the fixed points of a sonorous string, when it vibrates by aliquot parts, and produces the harmonic tones; nodal line or point
A computer or other device attached to a network
{n} a knot, knob, swelling, intersection
lymph nodes
Small, bean-sized organs of the immune system, distributed widely throughout the body Lymph fluid is filtered through the lymph nodes in which all types of lymphocytes take up temporary residence Antigens that enter the body find their way into lymph or blood and are filtered out by the lymph nodes or spleen respectively, for attack by the immune system See also Antigen; Lymphocyte
lymph nodes
Small knots of tissue, about the size of a bean, that help fight disease; they are found in the underarms, chest, groin and other areas of the body, and contain special cells that fight infections and trap cancer cells
lymph nodes
Oval-shaped organs, often the size of peas or beans, that are located throughout the body and contain clusters of cells called lymphocytes They produce infection-fighting lymphocytes and also filter out and destroy bacteria, foreign substances and cancer cells They are connected by small vessels called lymphatics Lymph nodes act as our first line of defense against infections and the spread of cancer
lymph nodes
part of the lymphatic system; bean-shaped organs, found in the underarm, groin, neck, and abdomen, that act as filters for the lymph fluid as it passes through them
lymph nodes
Oval or round bodies, located along the lymphatic vessels, that supply lymphocytes to the circulatory system and re- move bacteria and foreign particles from the lymph
lymph nodes
Small bean-shaped organs of the immune system distributed throughout the body tissue Lymph nodes are concentrated in several areas of the body, such as the armpit, groin, and neck
lymph nodes
Small, round or oval structures located along the lymphatic vessels (lymph glands) The lymph nodes store special cells that can trap bacteria or cancer cells traveling through the lymphatic system
lymph nodes
Organs located in the lymphatic vessels that act as filters, trapping and removing foreign organisms
lymph nodes
Small organs located throughout the body along the channels of the lymphatic system The lymph nodes store special cells that fight infection and other diseases Clusters of lymph nodes are found in the underarms, groin, neck, chest, and abdomen Also called lymph glands
lymph nodes
Small bean-shaped structures scattered along the vessels of the lymphatic system The lymph nodes produce white blood cells and filter bacteria and cancer cells that may travel through the system
lymph nodes
Small bean-shaped organs (sometimes called lymph glands); part of the lymphatic system Lymph nodes under the arm drain fluid from the chest and arm During surgery, some underarm lymph nodes are removed to help determine the stage of breast cancer
lymph nodes
a number of small swellings found at intervals along the lymphatic system Groups of nodes are found in many parts of the body They act as filters for the lymph, and prevent foreign particles from entering the bloodstream
lymph nodes
Small bean-shaped organs of the immune system, distributed widely throughout the body and linked by lymphatic vessels Lymph nodes are garrisons of B, T, and other immune cells
lymph nodes
Small glands, located throughout the body, that help fight cancer and infections Malignant Tumor - A cancerous growth
lymph nodes
Small bean-shaped structures in the lymphatic system The lymph nodes store special cells that can trap bacteria or cancer cells travelling through the body in lymph
lymph nodes
(also called lymph glands) - small organs located in the channels of the lymphatic system which store special cells to trap bacteria or cancer cells traveling through the body in lymph Clusters of lymph nodes are found in the underarms, groin, neck, chest, and abdomen
lymph nodes
glands found throughout the body that fight harmful invaders such as bacteria The presence of cancer cells in lymph nodes generally indicates that cancer is more likely to spread elsewhere in the body
lymph nodes
Small, bean-shaped organs located along the channels of the lymphatic system Bacteria or cancer cells that enter the lymphatic system may be found in the nodes Also called lymph glands
lymph nodes
small organs that store cells that fight infection and other diseases Lymph nodes are located throughout the body along the channels of the lymphatic system
lymph nodes
Small structures, the size of beans, that contain large numbers of lymphocytes and are connected with each other by small channels called lymphatics These nodes are distributed throughout the body In patients with lymphoma, and some types of lymphocytic leukemia, the malignant lymphocytes grow and expand the lymph nodes so that they may be enlarged This enlargement of lymph nodes can be seen, felt, or measured by computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance (MR) imaging depending on the degree of enlargement and location
lymph nodes
any of the gland-like masses of tissue in the lymph vessels containing cells that become lymphocytes Also called lymph glands
lymph nodes
small bean-sized organs of the immune system, distributed widely throughout the body Each lymph node contains a variety of specialized compartments which house B-cells; T-cells, and macrophages lymph nodes unite in one location the several factors needed to produce an immune response
lymph nodes
Any of the accumulations of lymphoid tissue organized as definite lymphoid organs, varying from one to 25 mm in diameter, situated along the course of lymphatic vessels The lymph nodes are the main source of lymphocytes of the peripheral blood and, as part of the reticuloendothelial system, serve as a defense mechanism by removing noxious agents, such as bacteria and toxins, and probably play a role in antibody production (Dorland, 28th ed)
lymph nodes
Hundreds of small oval bodies that contain lymph Lymph nodes act as our first line of defence against infections and cancer
(n ) An addressable point on a network Each node in a SunTM network has a different name A node can connect a computing system, a terminal, or various other peripheral devices to the network
8 d
{i} knot, bulge; mass of tissue; swelling; complication; joint or point on a stem from which a leaf grows; point that receives and transmits transmission signals from different directions (Internet)
(Ticaret) 1) An individual point within a network that represents a separate entity and is linked to other nodes within the overall system. In a supply chain, individual companies and locations can be considered nodes. 2) A decision point in a decision tree
1 In a tree structure, a point where two or more lines meet 2 In a network, any addressable device attached to the network that can recognize, process, or forward data transmissions
An English money of account, and, formerly, a gold coin, of the value of 6 s
The point at which the lines of a funicular machine meet from different angular directions; called also knot
A termination point for two or more communication links The Node serves as the control location for forwarding data among the elements of a network or multiple networks, as well as perform other networking, and in some cases, local processing functions In systems network architecture, a node is an end point of a link or a junction common to two or more links in a network Nodes can be host processors, communications controllers, cluster controllers, work group computers or terminals
Point of connection into a network
In communications, any device attached to the network
The point at which a curve crosses itself, being a double point of the curve. See Crunode, and Acnode
The joint of a stem, or the part where a leaf or several leaves are inserted
See Crunode, and Acnode
Any intelligent device connected to the network This includes terminal servers, host computers, and any other devices that are directly connected to the network
A single computer connected to a network
(physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system
(computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network any bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or part (astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane (physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system any thickened enlargement a connecting point at which several lines come together A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer
A personal computer hooked up to a network Any network station
(computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network
An addressable device attached to a computer network See also: host, router
A computer or other device when considered as part of a network
The quality or state of being noble; greatness; dignity; magnanimity; elevation of mind, character, or station; nobili
The point where the orbit of a planet, as viewed from the sun, intersects the ecliptic. The ascending and descending nodes refer respetively to the points where the planet moves from S to N and N to S. The respective symbols are ☊ and ☋
The point at which a curve crosses itself, being a double point of the curve
A European fish; the lyrie
any individual station (such as a PC or printer) connected to a network, which is always differentiated from other nodes on the same network by a unique node number
A computer that is attached to a network; sometimes called a host
In general, any point of interconnection to a network where service is provided, used or communication channels are interconnected
End point of a network connection Nodes include any device attached to a network such as file servers, printers, or workstations
sterling, or about $1
To make noble; to ennoble
Any single computer connected to a network
any thickened enlargement
the source of lymph and lymphocytes
A vertex of a graph
End point of a network connection Nodes include any device connected to a network such as file servers, printers, or workstations
A hole in the gnomon of a dial, through which passes the ray of light which marks the hour of the day, the parallels of the suns declination, his place in the ecliptic, etc
Having a noble mind; honorable; magnanimous
1 A junction of some type 2 In local area networks (LANs), a device that is connected to the network and is capable of communicating with other network devices 3 In tree structures, a location on the tree that can have links to one or more nodes below it
A computer that is attached to a network; also called a host A node is also a junction of some kind On a local area network, a node is a device that is connected to the network and is capable of communicating with other network devices
Any single computer connected to a network See Also: Network , Internet
One of the two points where the orbit of a planet, or comet, intersects the ecliptic, or the orbit of a satellite intersects the plane of the orbit of its primary
One of the nobility; a noble; a peer; one who enjoys rank above a commoner, either by virtue of birth, by office, or by patent
Any device including servers and workstations connected to a network; also the point where devices are connected
A device attached to a network A node uses the network as a means of communication and has an address on the network
(astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane
Any single computer connected to a network See also: Network, Internet
A vertex or a leaf in a graph of a network; a computer or other device attached to a network
a connecting point at which several lines come together
A specific connection point in a network
A node is a point, especially in the form of lump or swelling, where one thing joins another. Cut them off cleanly through the stem just below the node. nerve nodes
any bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or part
Any device connected to network PCs, servers, and printers are all nodes on the network
A connection to an Ethernet network Computer work stations, repeaters and bridges all count as node A device which connects to more than one network counts as a node on each network
ranvier's nodes
small gaps in the myelin sheath of medullated axons

    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈnōdz/ /ˈnoʊdz/


    [ 'nOd ] (noun.) 15th century. Middle English, from Latin nodus knot, node; akin to Middle Irish naidm bond.