noch einmal

listen to the pronunciation of noch einmal
German - Turkish
bir daha

Tom, beni sakın bir daha arama. - Tom, ruf mich bloß nicht noch einmal an.

Bir daha onunla buluşmamaya karar verdi. - Er war entschlossen, sie nicht noch einmal zu treffen.

(mal) bir daha
English - Turkish

Definition of noch einmal in English Turkish dictionary

yeni baştan

Bu yeni baştan oluyor. - It's happening all over again.

Japoncam için faydalı olacak güzel bir yazı hazırlamaya çalıştım, ama öğretmenim yazıda epey yanlışlar olduğunu ve yeni baştan yazmam gerektiğini söyledi. - I have attempted to create a good essay which utilizes my Japanese, but my professor said that much of it was incorrect and that I have to do it all over again.

Yinele (son işlemi)

Fiyat düşük ama ayrıca kalite çok iyi değil. - The price is low, but then again, the quality isn't very good.

Google Translate, Ubuntu Çevirileri için yeterince iyi değildir. Ayrıca bu, Ubuntu ilkesine de aykırıdır. - Google Translate is not good enough for Ubuntu Translations. Furthermore, this is against Ubuntu policy.


Bugün yine kalabalık. - It's crowded again today.

Elimden geleni yaptım, yine de başarısız oldum. - I tried my best, only to fail again.


Menüyü tekrar alabilir miyim lütfen? - Can I have the menu again, please?

Onu asla tekrar yapmayacağım. - I will never do it again.


Genellikle insanlar tüketim vergisine karşıdırlar. - In general, people were against the consumption tax.

Sekiz ay sonra, nihayet gene kızlarla çıkmaya başladı. - After eight months, he eventually started dating girls again.


Yeniden ödeyerek saçmalık etti. - It is foolish of him to pay for it again.

Baharın gelmesiyle birlikte her şey yavaş yavaş yeniden hayata dönüyor. - With the coming of spring, everything is gradually coming to life again.

bir daha

Tom öyle bir şeyin bir daha asla olmayacağını söyledi. - Tom said that nothing like that would ever happen again.

Ben bir daha seni burada asla görmek istemiyorum. - I never want to see you here ever again!

now and again ara sıra

O tek kelime Fransızca söyleyemez ama üstelik bir yerli gibi İngilizce konuşur. - He can't say one word of French, but then again he speaks English like a native.

German - English
once again
one day
in days to come
some day
once more
yet again
noch einmal Glück haben
to have a lucky escape
noch einmal abgedruckt
noch einmal anfangen
to start again
noch einmal anfangen
to start over
noch einmal anfangen
to start afresh
noch einmal anfangend
starting again
noch einmal anfangend
starting afresh
noch einmal anfangend
starting over
noch einmal angefangen
started over
noch einmal angefangen
started afresh
noch einmal angefangen
started again
noch einmal beginnen
to start afresh
noch einmal beginnen
to start again
noch einmal beginnen
to start over
noch einmal beginnend
starting again
noch einmal beginnend
starting afresh
noch einmal beginnend
starting over
noch einmal begonnen
started again
noch einmal begonnen
started afresh
noch einmal begonnen
started over
noch einmal drehen
to reshoot several scenes
noch einmal drehen
to retake several scenes
noch einmal gemessen
measured again
noch einmal hernehmen
to revisit something
noch einmal messen
to measure again
noch einmal messend
measuring again
noch einmal reibschleifen
to re-lap something
noch einmal reibschleifen
to relap something
noch einmal sagen
to repeat
noch einmal so viel
as much again
noch einmal soviel
twice as much
'Wir sind noch einmal davongekommen' (von Wilder / Werktitel)
'The Skin of our Teeth ' (by Wilder / work title)
1 Mio. Preisgeld und noch einmal so viel an Sponsorengeld
1m in prize-money and as much again in sponsorship
500 drinnen und noch einmal so viele draußen
500 inside and as many again outside
Das Dach beunruhigt mich, das wird noch einmal herunterkommen.
The roof concerns me because eventually it will fall in
Das ist noch einmal gut gegangen.
It has turned out all right this time
Das passiert mir nicht noch einmal.
That won't happen to me again
Du wirst mir dafür noch einmal dankbar sein.
Some day you'll thank me for this
Einmal probiere ich's noch.
I'll make one more stab at it
Entschuldigung, können Sie bitte Ihren Namen noch einmal sagen?
Excuse me, can you please say your name again?
Gehen wir die erste Szene noch einmal durch.
Let's run through the first scene again
Ich glaube, diese Band wird noch einmal groß herauskommen.
I think this band is going to be huge
Ich werde das noch einmal durchgehen lassen.
I'm going to let it go this time
Ich würde vorschlagen, Sie überlegen sich die Sache noch einmal.
May I suggest that you reconsider the matter
Kannst du mir noch einmal verzeihen?
Can you forgive me again?
Kontrollierst du bitte noch einmal, ob die Fenster alle geschlossen sind.
Can you please double-check that all windows are locked
Lies das feine/verdammte Handbuch noch einmal! (Chat-Jargon)
Read the fine/fucking manual again! /RTFMA/ (chat jargon)
Mach das bloß nicht noch einmal!
Never do that again!
Scherben (oft fälschlich: Biskuit) (einmal gebranntes, aber noch unglasiertes Ke
biscuit (once-fired, but yet unglazed ceramics workpiece)
Vielleicht kann ich es noch einmal/irgendwann einmal brauchen.
It may come in handy again (some time)
Wenn du einen Fehler machst, lösch ihn weg und fang noch einmal an.
If you make a mistake, just erase it and start again/over
das Ganze noch einmal durchgehen
to revisit the situation
das Rad noch einmal erfinden
to reinvent the wheel
etw. noch einmal annoncieren
to re-advertise something
etw. noch einmal aufnehmen
to rerecord something (audio)
etw. noch einmal durchgehen
to revisit something
etw. noch einmal kontrollieren
to double-check something
etw. nochmals/noch einmal tun
to redo something
gerade noch einmal davonkommen
to be saved by the bell
nochmals/noch einmal getan
nochmals/noch einmal tuend
um noch einmal auf das zurückzukommen, was ich gesagt habe
getting back on what I was saying