new evidence has been brought into play in this trial

listen to the pronunciation of new evidence has been brought into play in this trial
English - German
In diesem Prozess liegen neue Beweise auf dem Tisch
new evidence has been brought into play in this trial


    new e·vi·dence has been brought in·to play in this tri·al

    Turkish pronunciation

    nyu evıdıns hız bın brôt întı pley în dhîs trayl


    /ˈnyo͞o ˈevədəns həz bən ˈbrôt əntə ˈplā ən ᴛʜəs ˈtrīl/ /ˈnjuː ˈɛvədəns həz bən ˈbrɔːt ɪntə ˈpleɪ ɪn ðɪs ˈtraɪl/