Definition of network diagram in English English dictionary
The depiction of a system in terms of individual points (which may represent a location, resource, status or task) and the links between them used to pass goods, services, data or other communications It helps model the relationships of the links and the timing and direction of the flows between them
A graphic display of the activities to be performed to achieve the overall project work scope, showing their sequence and interdependencies Normal cost - The estimated cost of completing an activity under normal conditions, according to the plan Normal probability distribution - A bell-shaped distribution of values that is symmetrical around its mean value Normal time - The estimated length of time required to perform an activity under normal conditions, according to the plan O
A graphical diagram with boxes connected by lines that shows the sequence of development activities and the interrelationship of each task with another Often used in conjunction with a Gantt chart
An illustration of cause-effect relationships between an action's impact and an effect (also see "Pathway Diagram")