
listen to the pronunciation of nesil,sülale
Turkish - English
result of a creative effort

His dissertation is his most important intellectual progeny to date.

offspring or descendants

I treasure this 5 generation photograph of my great-great grandmother and her progeny.

{n} an offspring race, issue, generation
Offspring or plants grown from seed
Descendants of the human kind, or offspring of other animals; children; offspring; race, lineage
Children; offspring; descendants
the immediate descendants of a person; "she was the mother of many offspring"; "he died without issue"
The offspring of a particular tree or mating
{i} descendant, offspring; descendants or offspring (in general); result, outcome
– the offspring from sexual reproduction
You can refer to a person's children or to an animal's young as their progeny. Davis was never loquacious on the subject of his progeny
offspring of a plant